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现在人们丰衣足食。Now people have enough to eat and wear.

饺子看起来像金元宝,意味来年丰衣足食。Jiao Zi looks like gold coin, implying a wealthy year ahead.

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按摩可全部或部分受联合国丰衣足食。Massage whole or in part by the United Nations and clothing.

新西兰这块土地,本来是可以使所有的人都丰衣足食的。Aotearoa is capable of satisfying the needs of all its people.

有一辆车,一个房子,各种各样的生活方式。丰衣足食。Have a car, a house. Various lifestyles . Enough food and clothes.

一些人过着丰衣足食的生活,而另一些人却吃不饱。Some people live in plenty , while others haven ' t enough to eat.

我们用自己动手的方法,达到丰衣足食的目的。We will became self-sufficient in food and clothing by producing them ourselves.

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如果中国人丰衣足食,那需要以什么名义来变革?If the Chinese are content for being fed, why ask for a change, in whatever name?

专家称90后一代是丰衣足食的一代,是生长在网络时代的一代。Experts say that the well-fed, post-90s generation are children of the Internet era.

幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。Is happy life not only have ample food and clothing, also lies in the clear water, blue sky.

工业化使我们的生活变得丰衣足食,但同时也使我们营养失调。The industrialization allows us to live in an abundant life, but in many cases we are still malnourished.

再看看路边的人群,个个面带微笑,丰衣足食的样子,出门只要把手一挥,就能坐上出租车。Look at the side of the road, each with a smile, a well-fed, go out as long as a wave of his hand can sit for a taxi.

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在科莱特家几年的丰衣足食和缺乏运动,芬尼的身体涨势迅猛,伸展开来足有12米长,但也胖得几乎有些行动不便。Klaette years of affluence in the home and lack of exercise, the body gains Finney rapid enough to extend to 12 meters long, but he was too fat to move.

印尼总统苏希洛在一次内阁会议上表示,人民应该"有创造性地"自己动手丰衣足食,贸易部长冯慧兰带头在家种地.President Susilo Yudhoyono Bambang told a cabinet meeting people should be "creative" in planting, with Trade Minister Mari Pangestu leading the way in planting at home.

加彭外交官和分析师说,身为非洲首富之一,彭高砸大钱买和平,利用过分膨胀的官僚体系让几乎所有国民丰衣足食。Mr. Bongo, one of Africa's wealthiest men, bought peace with cash, according to diplomats and analysts here, using a bloated bureaucracy to put a chicken in almost every pot.

我们国家有很多亿万富翁,但对于有钱人,有一点必须做的就是,他们必须给予别人物质上的帮助,是因为他们已经够丰衣足食的了We have many billionaires in this country and I think that the only thing you have to do with it is philanthropy. They have to give it away because they are essentially satiated.

相反,去看看自己所拥有的,如果你有一个可遮风挡雨的小窝,丰衣足食,爱着你的人,那么你很幸运。Instead, learn to realize that what you have is already enough. If you have shelter over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back, and people who love you, you are blessed.

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而能产生可持续的经济增长、人民丰衣足食和有新就业机会的国家越多,成为原教旨主义驱动的抗议活动温床的国家就越少。And the more that such countries generate sustainable economic growth, feed their people and create new jobs, the less they will become breeding grounds for fundamentalist-driven protest.

我也知道,很多女明星都选择嫁入豪门,因为她们不想在老了之后失去事业之后,无法继续过着那种丰衣足食的光鲜生活。I know its the same thing when famous female stars tend to marry rich guys cos they worry about their career when they get old and they need someone to keep their life expensive and high.