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我不由自主地爱这个世界。I loved the world despite myself.

呵呵,想到这里又不由自主的兴奋起来。I get exciting by bethink of this.

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“达圣!”我不由自主往后退了一步。I cannot help toward retroceded step.

我不由自主的打了个哆嗦,独自行走。I involuntarily dozen cringe, walk alone.

他不由自主地失声笑了出来。He burst into laughter in spite of himself.

我想你是不由自主地发善心。I'm sure you cannot help being good-hearted.

我朋友不由自主地开始放松了。And despite himself, my friend began to relax.

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她发现自己的心不由自主地软下来了。She found her heart relenting in spite of her.

侏儒不由自主想起了乔佛里。The dwarf could not help but think of Joffrey.

我一看见祂,便不由自主地仆倒在祂脚前,不能动弹,像死人一样。And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.

他注意到她那不由自主的姿势,微微一笑。He noticed her involuntary gesture, and smiled.

宾克不由自主地想起这些事来,他经常这样。Bink wondered briefly about this, as he often did.

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我看到这张图片便不由自主地把它张贴出来。I saw this picture and couldn't resist posting it.

这种不由自主的回音轻轻的荡漾在耳际。Involuntarily the echoes are gently about the ear.

是的,我是在不由自主地评价别人的工作。But yes, you do evaluate other people's work of course.

雷利心里咯噔一下,不由自主地想到了灾难。Raley’s heart hitched, automatically thinking disaster.

当你听到这首歌的时候,你不由自主的开始移到。You can't help but start moving when you hear this song.

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男生会不由自主地这样做,并且频繁得超乎你的想象。Guys do this involuntarily and more often than you think.

当一阵狂风吹得沙土飞扬的时候,孩子们不由自主地眯起双眼。Children squint as wind whips the grey sand into their faces.

——刺耳的喇叭声在耳边炸起,秋日耀眼的阳光里,我不由自主地眯着眼睛。At the blast of its horn, I squint into the bright autumn sun.