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给他们一个特别的爱称。Give them a special nickname.

汤姆是托马斯的爱称。Tom is the pet name of Thomas.

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我会把对理想的爱称为对理想的热情。I mean love of ideals I would call passion for ideals.

因之,即赋予了“地球村”这一爱称。Therefor, namely given "global village" this nickname.

刚开始你在喊“爱称”的时候,我第一个出来了。Just started you to shout "pet name" time, my first came out.

埃利正好醒来看到杰姬,叫着她的爱称,公主。See Jackie Evans just wake up the, calling her nickname, the princess.

安德鲁听到雷切尔给那个婴儿起的爱称时,高兴地叫起来。Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby.

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这是个和睦的家庭,所以全家四口都有爱称。It was an affectionate family, hence all four of its members had pet names.

事实上,通常这个词有着正面的含义,经常是作为一种爱称。In fact, it frequently has a positive meaning, and it's often a term of endearment.

你还是可以只签你与收信人打交道常用的名字或爱称。You may choose to sign only your first name or a nickname you use with that reader.

是一种表示主观情感的爱称,形容一个人的个性特点与其外貌特征完全相反。A term of affection and endearment describing a man whose personality traits reflect the opposite of his overall broad physique.

但如果是迈克,菲利普,劳伯和杰克出去喝啤酒,他们互相的爱称将变成胖墩、恐龙、花生脑袋和垃圾。But if Mike, Phil, Rob and Jack go out for a brewsky, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla, Peanut-Head and Useless.

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这是他的中国名字,因为他的英文名字有一大串并且几乎没人叫他的英文名字,所以小龙就成了大家对他的爱称了。This is his Chinese name. Everybody here hardly called his English name because it is so complicated. Xiao Long is his nickname. He is a mixed-blood.

他发起的人道主义活动让他有了圣。博诺的爱称。私底下这位U2的主唱似乎被经不起诱惑。His humanitarian campaigning has earnt him the nickname St Bono . Off duty, however, the U2 singer seems to have been tempted into a spot of hell-raising.

幼儿园老师袁朝爱称“我们试着让孩子们记住我们的传统习惯和风俗,同时享受收获的喜悦。Yuan Zhao'ai, kindergarten teacher, said, "We try to let the children remeber our traditional practices and customs, as well as enjoy the pleasure of harvest.

一位女士正与朋友及其丈夫吃饭,这时她注意到朋友总用“亲爱的”、“宝贝”、“甜心”等爱称称呼她的丈夫。A woman was having dinner with a friend and her husband, when she noticed that her friend always called her husband loving names like Honey, Darling, Sweetheart etc.

昵称包罗爱称、略称和奶名,是英语平易近族亲友老友间常来暗示亲热地称谓,是在教名地根底上派生出来地。Nicknames including nickname, merchants and middle name, is an English national relatives and friends often come between cordial call, is the basis of the first name of derivative.

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而作为野兽派球员代表的霍华德在力量以及运动能力方面也有着统治级的优势,这也就是为什么大家更爱称他为“超人”的原因。As a representative of Fauvism Howard players and athletic ability in the force also has the advantage of the ruling class, which is why we have better pet name him "Superman" reasons.