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刊行是毫无道理的。Such a publication was madness.

刊行债券时,理卖按债券的面值记帐。Bonds shall be accounted for at par value.

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其他的硬币将在2014年刊行。Further coins will be released until 2014.

融资勾当与经由过程刊行股票或借贷来增添成秘闻关。Financing activities relate to raising capital via issuance of capital stock or borrowing.

创刊号是指报刊正式开始刊行的第一期。Opening number refer to newspapers and periodicals begin first issue that publish formally.

公开刊行股票是设立股份有限公司的一种途径。Public share issue is one way for the establishment of a joint stock limited haoduoren. company.

电影在戏院刊行时,两个版本城市以三度空间的形式在非IMAX的数码戏院上映。In the theatrical release of the movie, it played in 3-D in non-IMAX digital theaters in both formats.

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这一增长主如果由于关于本公司首次公开刊行募股费用。This increase was due primarily to expenses incurred relating to the Company's initial public offering.

颇具实用价值,刊行后深受医者推崇。With its considerably practical value, it was well respected by medical practitioners after the publishment.

而且在1844年,还对其他银行的货泉刊行实施期一些出格的限制,这就使得大大都的银行不再继续刊行纸币。And special restrictions put on note issurance by other banks in 1844 caused most banks to discontinue issuing notes.

颠末他和四个成员地通力合作,他们一共刊行了11张专辑,开了数百场演唱会,取得了良多地奖项。With the effort of Micky and the other four TVXQ members, they released 11 albums, staged hundreds of concerts and won a lot of awards.

在他的指引之下,该公司已经发展成为一家全球先进的一流的、免费网络电子游戏的开发公司和刊行公司。Under his leadership, the company has evolved into a leading global developer and publisher of premium, free-to-play, online video games.

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一些雄司苦苦挣扎于结转商业票据,刊行短期债券来张罗流动资金,支付人为和其他用度。Some corporations are struggling to roll-over commercial paper, short-term debt issued to finance working capital, payroll payments and the like.

直到1931年,仍是以铸币或政府的债券为依据的。当然,从那往后,象其它的中心银行一样,英格兰银行并不持有与我们刊行的纸币等量的金银铸币储蓄。Specie or government bonds until 1931. Since then , of course, the Bank of England like other central banks has not held specie reserves equal to our note issue.

公司经由过程汇票获得短期贷款,可是要获掏出久贷款的话,最好的体例是以他们的名义刊行债券。Corporations can achieve short term financing through a bills facility, however for long term financing the best method is for them to issue a bond in their own name.

谈到开发以及进级神海2的联机部门的时辰,在刊行多人部门进级补丁方面你们取得了若何的经验?So speaking of managing, updating Uncharted 2 for multiplayer, what have you guys learned in terms of publishing and putting out multiplayer games in terms of updates, patches?

这些非支流的言行,真实都是死了的,斩断了思想之根的盛行语、商品,是可以大范围刊行出售的武功秘笈,必定,不能持续行进。These non-mainstream words, actually are dead, the thought was shearing of the vulgar, . modity, roots mass with the release of publication is martial secret, doomed, can't move on.

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这些非主流的言行,其实都是死了的,斩断了思想之根的流行语、商品,是可以大规模刊行发售的武秘笈,注定,不能继续前进。These non-mainstream words, actually are dead, the thought was shearing of the vulgar, commodity, roots mass with the release of publication is martial secret, doomed, can't move on.

为相识决这个需要别人解答的题目,潜在的插手者正考虑怎样刊行其他类型的股份,被称为存托凭证收益-不过中国对商业以及本钱的限制让它变患上异常复杂。To solve it the potential entrants are considering how to issue other types of shares known as depository receipts-but that is complicated by Chellona's trading and capital restrictions.

这些非主流的言行,其实都是死了的,斩断了思想之根的流行语、商品,是可以大规模刊行发售的武功秘笈,必定,不能继续进步。These non-mainstream words, literfically are dead, the thought was shearing of the vulgar, commodity, roots mbumm with the release of publication is martial secret, doomed, can't move on.