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那支部队全军覆没,无一生还。The whole army went down in flames, and no one survived.

那么他全军覆没而你得到一场完胜So he has none left and you've managed to destroy two of them.

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在断杖之役中,亡灵巫师们全军覆没了。The Necromancers are utterly destroyed in the War of the Broken Staff.

“即使他知道他们可能全军覆没,”普勒修正到。"Even though he might've known they were going to be massacred, " amended Puller.

剩余的黑铁部族部队被两面夹击,全军覆没。Crushed between two armies, the remaining Dark Iron forces were utterly destroyed.

波兰陆军是在同对华沙的钳形攻势的合围进行博斗而全军覆没的。It was within the claws of the warsaw pincers that the polish army fought and died.

在中法马江之战中,中国的福建舰队几乎全军覆没。In the Majiang Battle between China and France, Chinese Fujian Sea Fleet was almost annihilated.

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标普500指数10大类股全军覆没,原材料股、能源股、金融股和工业股表现较差.All 10 S&P 500 sectors fell, with materials, energy, financials and industrials faring the worst.

第十三兵团随即全军覆没,所属部队全部投降。Within a short while the 13th Army Group was completely wiped out, with all its troops surrendered.

一营马上就坚持不住了,韩绍功却坚持要等候空投,不然可能全军覆没。One battalion immediately, can't hold on HanShaoGong insist will wait for dropped, otherwise may lordaeron.

所以,风险投资商的最佳准则是,当第一次创业大获成功,第二次全军覆没时,力挺第三次创业。So, the best VC formula is to back the third venture, when the first was good and the second was a washout.

但你也不能完全撒手不管,因为这样做也不可能让你免于全军覆没的最糟情形。But you can’t give it up entirely because to do so may not allow you to avoid, in extremis, a major meltdown.

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然而,仅仅在此两年之后,位于密歇根州首府兰辛的分店关门停业标志着花花公子俱乐部在美国本土全军覆没。Only two years later, the club in Lansing, Michigan would close, leaving Playboy with no more American clubs.

但在另一方面,1895年中国北洋舰队在中日战争中被小小的日本打败,以致全军覆没。The Chinese navy, on the other hand, was routed by a smaller Japanese fleet in the Sino-Japanese war of 1895.

但是,廖兵团刚开出沈阳不远,锦州便告失守,防守该城的十二万蒋军全军覆没。Chinchow, however, fell and with it 120,000 troops while the Liao Army Group was just a little way out of Mukden.

ISCI在三月的民意调查中全军覆没,而且在去年大选也相当惨淡。ISCI got wiped out at the polls in March and also had a pretty dismal showing during provincial elections last year.

我们所能做的最理想的打算,不过是他们能避免1930年那种全军覆没的经济国家主义。Probably the best we can hope for is that they will avoid the beggar-my-neighbour economic nationalism of the 1930s.

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以产品为导向,而没有以客户为导向●电视几乎令好莱坞全军覆没。That means they were product oriented other than customer-oriented. ●Again, television almost cut Hollywood into pieces.

后来,这位亿万富翁在“股战”中屡战屡败,溃不成军,最后全军覆没。"Later, This a billionaire in the "Unit warfare, " defeated each time, the battle, the last army was totally annihilated.

多数造反者都表现得不错,尽管这队人马全军覆没,巴尔加斯仍认为在道德上打了场胜仗。Most of the rebels acquitted themselves nicely, and even though the group was slaughtered, Vargas considers it a moral victory.