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我们手足情深亲密无间。We are brothers as thick as thieves.

什么让双方亲密无间?What makes them want to be intimate?

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我既有亲密无间的朋友也有泛泛之辈的朋友。I have intimate friends and casual friends.

我相信你和他是亲密无间的朋友。I believe you and he were very close friends.

互相信任与亲密无间是根治第三方卷入的良方。The cure for triangulation is trust and intimacy.

你还觉得爱这个人和他亲密无间?Do you still feel love and connection to this person?

他们俨然如老相识一样亲密无间地攀谈了。They conversed with the familiarity of a long-established acquaintance.

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在嘉朗的眼中,经销商们不仅仅是合作方,更是亲密无间的朋友。For JUSTLONG, distributors are not only cooperators, but also intimate friends.

泉和我保持着一种泾渭分明却又亲密无间的关系。Izumi and I had a strictly compartmentalised yet totally intimate relationship.

当然我们的关系并不像我与位于英格兰东北部的赛奇费尔德我的老选民那样亲密无间。OK, it wasn't like my old constituency in Sedgefield in the northeast of England.

在我和那些我屋子里的人混熟之前很久,我已和罗马亲密无间。I was familiar with the affairs of Rome long before I was with those of my own house.

在梦境中,孩子们和父母亲密无间,我们可以成为自己冒险旅途中的英雄,我们能发现爱,我们可以飞翔,我们可以在水面下呼吸,我们能取得难以置信的功勋。The child is reconciled with its parents. Dreams make us heroes in our own adventure.

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目的明确,亲密无间,令人捧腹——烦人的姑妈们多少次被写进情书里?Purposeful, intimate and hilarious — How often do annoying aunts end up in love letters?

大卫和我又变回了亲密无间的朋友,而我似乎也是他唯一能依靠的朋友。David and I became very close again, and it seemed that I was the only one there for him.

我们在梦里曾是陌生人。梦醒后,才发现我们本是亲密无间。Once we dreamt that we were stranger. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.

他们很高兴地发现双方志趣相投,很快变得亲密无间。They were glad to find out that they spoke the same language and soon became buddy-buddy.

经过一年的英语培训,21位同学成了亲密无间的好姐妹。Through a year of English training, 21 classmates became intimate have no good sister of.

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理解我们的愤怒让我们打开心门去交流让我们亲密无间。Understanding our anger can open the door for communication and bring us toward intimacy.

有一次,我们梦见彼此竟是陌生人。醒来时,才发现我们本是亲密无间。-飞鸟集。Once we dreamt that we were strangers. we wake up to find that we were dear to each other.

我们是社交动物,我们都渴望亲密无间的关系,同时我们都在求生存。While we are social beings and want close relationships, we are also hard-wired for survival.