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随后荷银发表声明表示,它将仔细审察判决的执行情况。In a statement, ABN said it will examine the ruling's implications.

同时该银行又需要支付去年收购荷兰银行的昂贵费用。It also has to finance an expensive takeover of the Dutch bank ABN -Amro last year.

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荷兰银行自从问题出现之后就采取直接措施来预防进一步可能发生的破坏。ABN AMRO has since the dicovery of the problem taken direct actions to prevent further damage to be done.

在加入新加坡黑马公司前,邓肯曾是荷兰银行资产管理公司的投资策略主管。Before joining Singapore-based Blackhorse, Duncan was head of investment strategy at ABN Amro Asset Management.

自从2007年荷兰银行的四分五裂,桑坦德银行收购了雷亚尔银行后,桑坦德银行现在在巴西已确立了地位。Santander has strengthened its presence in Brazil, where it bought Banco Real in the carve-up of ABN AMRO in 2007.

在题目为“足球经济学”的研究记录中,荷兰银行的研究人员说,他们的研究工作是以“半严肃的方式”进行的。In a research note entitled "Soccernomics", boffins at ABN Amro said their work was done with a "quasi-serious approach. "

荷兰国有银行荷兰银行星期五宣布它已在法律上完成了与苏格兰皇家银行的分离。The Dutch state-owned ABN Amro Bank said Friday that it had completed its legal separation from the Royal Bank of Scotland.

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本债券的发行标志着ABN-AMRO银行首次将其零售网络向一个外部发行机构开放,用于发行此类产品。The bonds mark the first time ABN AMRO opened up its retail distribution network to an outside issuer for this type of product.

最需要充实资本的是去年在市场高点买入荷兰银行的苏格兰皇家银行。The bank most in need of extra capital is Royal Bank of Scotland, which rashly bought ABN Amro at the top of the market last year.

我们原本以为已经度过了那段巨幅波动和大幅下跌的时段,但事实却并非如此。We thought we had passed the volatility and big falls, but clearly that wasn't the case today," ABN Amro senior dealer Bryon Burke said.

以及桑坦德银行击败苏格兰皇家银行和富通集团从而收购荷兰银行的交易,其以一个合理的价格在巴西得到了举足轻重的地位。and to Santander for emerging from the ABN AMRO transaction, which killed off RBS and Fortis, with a big presence in Brazil at a fair price.

因为前几天老板已经退给我之前扣掉的总税额,所以这部分应该没有问题…If you have provided ABN to your boss, there should be no tax withheld by your boss. Whatever amount you invoiced your boss, he will pay in full.

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这项裁决增加了第三方全盘竞购荷银的可能性,但同时也可能引发锺情荷银的各方之间的法律大战。The decision boosts the chances of a rival bid for all of ABN Amro, but will likely spark a legal war between factions seeking to clinch the Amsterdam-based bank.

张女士曾任瑞银证券公司市场部副董事,荷兰银行全球期货公司纽约总部市场部助理副总裁,负责制定和执行市场策划。Previously, Ms. Zhang worked for UBS Exchange Traded Derivatives as Associate Director of marketing. Prior to UBS, she worked in the marketing department of ABN Amro Global Futures.

荷兰银行反复核对了一个国家足球队的比赛成绩和该国的信用等级,得出结论称,在7月1日的欧洲杯决赛中,德国队将获得冠军。ABN Amro cross-checked a country's footballing record with its credit rating and concluded that Germany would be triumphant come the final of Europe's top footballing competition on July 1.

2010年4月10日,我们深圳大学SIFE团队非常荣幸地邀请到了荷兰银行的培训经理陈文静女士及两位嘉宾为我们举办了主题为“六顶思考帽”的培训营。In April 10, 2010, we SIFE Shenzhen University team is honored to invite the ABN AMRO Bank's training manager Mrs Chen and two guests to organize a training camp about the "Six Thinking Hats".