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为什么要赶走一半的潜在投资者呢?Why alienate half of your potential investors?

不要太武断,否则会疏远朋友。Avoid being overly opinionated or you will alienate friends.

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让MMORPG的老玩家们不被疏远也是极为重要的事情。It was also critical not to alienate the seasoned MMORPG player.

但是街头抗议者或许与中立的选民和活动保持了距离。But street protests may alienate middle-of-the-road voters and business.

卢梭也看到了私有制使人产生异化。Jean-Jacques Rousseau also noticed that private property makes man alienate.

他离间那两个朋友的企图失败了,因为他们彼此完全信任。His attempts to alienate the two friends failed because they had complete faith.

不照顾这些特点,就会脱离群众。Disregard these characteristics and you will alienate yourselves from the masses.

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甘地不随主流的方法往往会吓跑和疏远那些有着世俗思想的旁观者。Gandhi’s nonconformist ways tend to appall and alienate secular-minded observers.

为啥米要疏远那些曾为你落下每一滴眼泪的球迷呢?Why alienate all the fans in your present city when most cried every tear with you?

进一步疏离土耳其是不智的,那里对华盛顿的支持率正在下降。It's unwise to further alienate Turkey, where public approval of Washington has plummeted.

布什还说,撕毁或者反对贸易条约将会激怒并且疏远美国的盟友。Mr. Bush added that dismantling or rejecting trade pacts would anger and alienate U.S. allies.

那些陈腔旧调会怎样使,和你期望描述的体验渐行渐远?How do those stock phrases alienate you from the very experience you hope that they can describe?

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记者们不愿意疏远任何人,这样广告商也就能让每个人都收到他们的讯息。Journalists agreed not to alienate anyone so that advertisers could aim their messages at everyone.

每个人只能靠自己份地的出产而过活,份地除了自由馈赠而外是不能转让的。Each was expected to live on the produce of his lot, which he could not alienate except by free gift.

就是我们不能远离,放弃,丢弃,交易,或出售自然权利。It's not for us to alienate them or to give them up, to give them away, to trade them away, to sell them.

一个复杂的界面会让用户不知如何操作。A complex interface can disorient the user in a mild case and completely alienate them in an extreme case.

滥用权力、漠视权利导致教师权威的异化,使学生、教师奴性化。Abuse of power and neglect of rights alienate teacher' s authority and enslave both students and teachers.

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这场游戏的最终结果就是政府看来决意疏远自己的朋友。And the end result of this game-playing is an administration that seems determined to alienate its friends.

多多称,如果恶作剧的方式不得当,还有可能疏远或伤害别人的感情。Dodo says pranks can also potentially alienate or hurt someone's feelings if not carried out in good taste.

刘母却知道天贞这么说只是为了离间她们母子之间的感情,压根儿就没理睬。Know liu mother day zhen said so just to alienate them the affection between mother and child, never ignore.