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现在,它是最远的。Now, it is the farthest zoom.

刘梅在所有的人当中跳得最远。Liu Mei jumped farthest of all.

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甄妮是班里跳的最远的。Jenny jumps farthest in the class.

狐狸捕食,远离洞府。The fox preys farthest from his hole.

最重的残骸部分飞的最远。The heaviest parts flew the farthest.

刘兵是那三个中跳得最远的。Liu Bing jumped farthest of the three.

那么就从离你最远的那个人开始。Start with the person farthest from you.

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看看最右边的那条光带。Check out the band farthest to the right.

不管怎样我会去,到最远的地方找到你。Love, on the farthest place to stay in it.

愿侬胁下生双翼,随花飞到天尽头。After you unto the farthest end of the sky.

呵,“最远的尽头”,呵,亩粞声的高亢的呼唤!Farthest end, O the keen call of thy flute!

回家的路最远也最近。抄近路反而绕远路。The farthest way about is the nearest way home.

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这些人在事业的旅途中会走得更远。These are the people who will journey the farthest.

泰德去过的最远的地方是芝加哥。The farthest place Ted had travelled to was Chicago.

洞内远处一个角落是狼窝。In the farthest corner of the cave was the wolf's lair.

她领我们走到最远角落处的一个小屋中。She conducted us into a cottage at the farthest corner.

彗星离太阳最远时就是在它的远日点上。A comet is at aphelion when it is farthest from the sun.

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前列腺肿瘤疫苗又称Provenge走得最远。The prostate cancer vaccine, Provenge, is farthest along.

地球背向月球的那一面的水则离月球最远。The water on the opposite side is farthest from the moon.

不管怎样我会去,到最远的地方找到你。I will go however, as far as the farthest of all to find you.