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普拉塔是银。Plata is silver.

在拉普拉塔河中坐落松树和桉树树。Nestled amidst pine and eucalyptus trees by the Rio de la Plata.

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我把车子停泊在拉普拉塔特雷尔黑德,步行到附近横跨湖河的桥上。I parked at the La Plata Trailhead and walked to the nearby bridge that crosses Lake Creek.

马德普拉塔的海洋乐园是游客们必去的地方,里面所有的动物都与人近在咫尺。Mar del Plata is a marine park where visitors must go inside all the animals and people close at hand.

8年前,当她尚未涉足绘画时,她是一名拥有心理学学位的学前班老师。Plata was a preschool teacher with a psychology degree before she dabbled in painting almost eight years ago.

世界水理事会援引南美洲拉普拉塔巴拉那河、咸海、约旦河和多瑙河为例。The World Water Council cites the Parana La Plata in South America, the Aral Sea, the Jordan and the Danube as examples.

拉普拉塔的APDH是一个由律师和有政治和教育背景的志愿者组成的组织。APDH La Plata is an organization consisting of lawyers and volunteers from an array of political and educational backgrounds.

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最后,拉普拉塔河把氮素和富含铁质的沉淀物搬运到在图中所示地域以北的海洋。Finally, the Rio de la Plata deposits nitrogen and iron-laden sediment into the ocean just north of the area shown in the image.

巴拉那河和乌拉圭河的淡水与来自南大西洋的海水在拉普拉塔泥泞的河口相互碰撞着。Fresh water from the Parana and Uruguay rivers collides with salt water from the South Atlantic Ocean in the muddy estuary of RÌo de la Plata.

上个星期三晚上一个住在拉普拉塔外乡下的居民报警说他听到他家房子后面的田野里有婴儿啼哭的声音。A resident of a rural area outside La Plata called police late Wednesday night to say that he had heard the baby crying in a field behind his house.

这处河口为周边地区带来了肥沃而富饶的土地,同时也为多种濒危物种如数量稀少的拉普拉塔海豚提供了自然栖息地。The estuary keeps the surrounding land rich and fertile and provides a natural habitat for a number of threatened species, including the rare La Plata dolphin.

受19世纪一个用咖啡制成的艺术品展览的启发,Plata使用芳香饮料创作了引人入胜的乌贼墨宗教神灵画像。Inspired by an exhibit of 19th-century artworks done in coffee, Plata creates entrancing sepia images of fairies and religious figures from the aromatic beverage.

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虽然未来的审判结果还不知道,但至少阿根廷人民和拉普拉塔的APDH的请求最终被得到倾听。While the outcomes of future prosecutions are yet to be known, it is at least certain that the demands of the Argentine people and APDH La Plata are finally being heard.

通过用水混合不同数量的咖啡粉,Plata创造出明暗对比强烈的棕色阴影,她最大限度地利用了这种单色调的媒介,她随后用一种固定剂来确保画的持久性。Plata maximizes the monochrome medium by mixing different quantities of coffee powder with water to create contrasting shades of brown. She then uses a fixing material to ensure the paint lasts.

美洲杯揭幕战,阿根廷主帅巴蒂斯塔排出了一套进攻阵容想要取得开门红,但是梅西以及他的搭档特维斯都没能取得进球,东道主仅仅凭借着替补上场的阿奎罗的一记世界波才勉强拿到1分。Coach Sergio Batista had sent out an attacking side to beat the Bolivians but Messi and strike partner Carlos Tevez drew a blank and it was left to sub Sergio Aguero to rescue a point at La Plata.