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我整个星期都在哼唱ABBA音乐。I’ve been humming ABBA all week.

现在,当然了,每个人都喜欢ABBA。Now, of course, everyone likes ABBA.

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阿爸,天父容许我,单单属于。Abba Father, let me be Yours and Yours alone.

天父如何向我们显明他的圣爱?How does our Abba Father show His love to us ?

我现在老得足以确切记起在ABBA身上发生过的事儿。I'm old enough to remember exactly what happened to ABBA.

耶稣祈祷时用阿爸来称呼祂的「父」,祂作的是多麽美妙啊!Jesus prayed using the word Abba for "Father. " What an awesome thing to do!

但在1995年,尼日利亚北部一位名为穆罕默德巴阿巴埃的教师找到了解决的办法。But in 1995 a teacher in northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution.

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我相信,我相信,最爱我的就是阿爸父,祂看我为宝贵。I believe, I believe, I believe my Abba Father loves me so, He thinks I am precious.

但是在1995年一个位于北尼日利亚的名叫默罕默德的教师发现了一个解决方法。But in 1995 a teacher in norther northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution.

在自定义专业镜头一直利群在过去19年来技术的最前沿…Specializing in custom lenses has kept ABBA on the forefront of technology over the past 19 years.

但是1995年,北尼日利亚的一个名叫默罕默德的老师发现了一种解决方法。But in 1995 , a teacher in Northen northern Nigeria , named Mohammed Bah Abba found the a solution,.

但正如阿巴·埃班很早前就讲过的——巴勒斯坦人从来都未错过任何一个可以错过的机会。But as Abba Eban had said long ago, the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

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我知道是瑞典的,但是不可能是伯格曼的,对吗?So what do the critics make of ABBA on celluloid? I know it’s Swedish, but it’s hardly Bergman, is it?

放一些声音大的音乐,疯狂地跳舞.不要告诉任何人,我喜欢伴着ABBA音乐跳舞.Play some loud music and go crazy with the moves. Don’t tell anyone, but I love to dance to ABBA music.

方法采用可见分光光度法,以绵马贯众素ABBA为对照品,0。Methods The visible spectrophotometry was used and dryocrassine ABBA was taken as the control sample and 0.

第一个修女离开时,神父发现第四个修女抿着嘴偷偷的在笑。When the first nun leaves, abba discovers close lightly of the 4th nun is worn the mouth secretly laughing.

凯萨林强森的聪明杰出的剧本和ABBA经典的歌曲交织出感动人心的故事以及角色。Catherine Johnson's witty and ingenious script weaves the famous ABBA songs around characters you care about.

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当因妒忌而无法释怀时,我们或许会问自己,是否还与我们内的圣神保持联系,而呼喊“父啊”。When we cannot let go of jealousy, we may wonder if we are in touch with the Spirit in us that cries out "Abba.

火娃和隆昌查明了杨神父就是土匪司令,并动员乡亲们起来斗争。Igneous child and grand prosperous check palpability poplar Abba is bandit commander, arouse folkses rise fight.

以色列外交部长阿巴·埃班曾打趣说,巴勒斯坦人“从未放弃过错失良机的机会。”Abba Eban, an Israeli foreign minister, quipped that the Palestinians “never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity”.