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鼓励和资助在家里煮饭。Encourage and subsidize home cooking.

实际上,美国再也不能资助亚洲的增长。The US can no longer, in effect, subsidize Asia's growth.

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它同样用在了资助减轻陷入困境的房主的贷款上。It is also used to subsidize loan modifications for troubled homeowners..

如果无线运营商决定资助平板机,那可能还有更大的潜力可挖。Greater potential is seen if wireless carriers decide to subsidize the tablet.

我们急坏了,又是喂药又是熬汤煮粥地补贴它。We are very anxious, but also given medicines broth porridge is to subsidize it.

这就是为什么你会看到政府在试图补贴厂家或是消费者。That’s why you see governments trying to subsidize manufacturers or the consumer.

我们的对手以它为手段,来增加客户端市场的竞争力。Our competitors were using that to subsidize competing with us in the client market.

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如果这些罚款可多少补贴素食友好食品,这将是一个奖励。If these fines could somehow subsidize vegetarian-friendly foods, that would be a bonus.

区域按照此比率进行扣减以资助运输,维护和修筑道路。The region uses this deduction to subsidize transportation and maintain and build roads.

为校友捐款作助学金,旨在资助有经济需要的同学。A donation from HKBU alumni to subsidize students who are in need of financial assistance.

“手段测试”的方法同样可适用于Medicare,补贴那些富人的医疗开销是毫无意义的。Medicare too can be means-tested—there is no reason to subsidize the medical costs of affluent people.

落实好农村妇女妇科疾病定期检查和住院分娩补助政策。We will provide regular gynecological examinations and subsidize hospital childbirths for rural women.

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为了以同样的“比免费更便宜”的价格进行竞争,Symbian或者Windows手机厂商需要资助了。To compete at an equally “less than free” price point, Symbian or windows mobile would need to subsidize.

更糟糕的是,当政府通过财政援助试图稳定物价时,反而却在这些行业造成了通货膨胀。Even worse, when government attempts to subsidize prices, it has the net effect of inflating them instead.

如果你们辍学一年,我就得给你们补助费,而补助花费比你们的学费更多。If you took a year off from school, I would have to subsidize you, which would cost more than your tuition.

现在书本上有整整一大堆扶持歧视的法律——例如,最低工资法。Now there’s a whole lot of laws on the books that subsidize discrimination—for example, the minimum wage law.

补助相关设施设备、医疗服务、文宣、教学及研究费用。Subsidize the relevant facilities, equipments, medical services, promotional materials, teaching and research.

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总的来说,在世界贸易规定下,一个国家可以对某一个产业进行补贴以帮助其发展。Grossly oversimplifying, under world trade rules, a country can subsidize a particular industry to help it grow.

最终,政府将为一项名为电子医疗记录的全国体系的发展提供补助,并进行管理。Finally, the government would subsidize and manage the development of a national system of electronic medical records.

台湾地方财政遇有困难时,可由中央政府酌情补助。When Taiwan's local finance is in difficulty, the central government may subsidize it as is fit for the circumstances.