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缺乏力反馈是它的弱点。The lack of tactile feedback is its undoing.

它以柔软的触感带给你惬意的感觉。It brings you cozy feeling with soft tactile.

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但触觉感并不代表这不得体。But tactile does not have to translate into tactless.

他的绘画具有质感美。His callused hands had lost their tactile sensitivity.

本文提出一种用于机器人末端效应器的新型触觉传感器。A new tactile sensor for robotic end-effectors is proposed.

自闭症儿童渴望某些触觉刺激。Children with autism are said to crave certain tactile stimuli.

这种有触觉的反馈还是次要特性。That kind of tactile feedback might seem like a minor feature.

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能够达到多大的触敏度还要拭目以待。Just how much tactile acuity can be achieved remains to be seen.

摸上去浑厚坚实有质感并且极易清洗,是儿童浴室的理想用品。Tactile and easy to clean, it is ideal for children´s bathrooms.

全尺寸、全行程的、带有柔软的导轨滑块的触摸反馈键。Full size, full travel, tactile feedback keys with soft end-stop.

你的触觉会感受到前所未有的煎熬。Your tactile sense takes a crucifying you never dreamed possible.

触觉和听觉的刺激可诱发惊厥和角弓反张。Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos.

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伙计们,我说的可是气泡衬垫包装的那种触感呢。We’re talking bubble-wrap levels of tactile stimulation here, people.

同时触摸键盘很大且有触感因而没有出现打错字的情况。And the touch keyboard was so big and tactile that my typos all but vanished.

举例来说,自闭症儿童需要有触觉刺激。For example, children on the autism spectrum have a need for tactile stimuli.

这种人一般占有欲较强,可能是在刺激自己的女性同伴。He is inclined to be possessive, and can be tactile with his female companions.

感觉或触觉器官,例如触角、触手或触须。Zoology A sensory or tactile organ, such as an antenna, a tentacle, or a barbel.

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他运用触觉效果来创作不同状态下鱼类和海洋生物的压印作品。Sam creates impressions of fish and sea-life in various states using the tactile.

采访中伊夫大谈他对工业产品的手感的要求。In interviews, Ive talks intensely about the tactile quality of industrial design.

触觉警告应提供在恶劣的环境中指定的4.29.3。Tactile warnings shall be provided at hazardous conditions as specified in 4.29.3.