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食品包装,畜禽肉产品。Food Packaging, Meat & Poultry.

那些家禽是关在笼子里养的。The poultry are kept in a cage.

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我们知道如何隔离家禽。We know how to isolate poultry.

你们用什么饲料喂养家禽?What do you feed the poultry on?

家禽类的菜有哪些?What poultry dishes do you serve?

你喜欢吃什么,是肉还是鸡鸭?What do you prefer---meat or poultry?

重新加热剩余的禽肉直到冒热蒸汽。Reheat leftover poultry until steaming hot.

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睡觉的狐狸捉不到家禽。起来!起来!The sleeping fox catches no poultry. Up! Up!

准备食物,特别是生肉或家禽Preparing food, especially raw meat or poultry

受惊的家禽向四面八方逃去。The affrighted poultry fled in all directions.

禁止饲养家禽、家畜等宠物。No poultry or pets are allowed in the dormitory.

该病例曾与其家附近的家禽有接触。The case had contact with poultry near her home.

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猴子跑出了笼子,在出售小动物的店里乱闹一气。An enclosure or cage, as for poultry or small animals.

搭配鱼类,白肉类,奶油浇汁的禽类等十分美味。Perfect with, white meats and poultry in creamy sauce.

此酒完美搭配烧烤肉类及家禽类菜肴。This wine will be ideal with grilled meat and poultry.

食物一定要煮熟,尤其是肉类、家禽类以及蛋类。Fully cook your food, especially meat, poultry and eggs.

最有营养的瘦肉和禽肉有。Among the most nutrient-dense lean meats and poultry are.

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全鸡适合炖煮补身,或作白切,皆十分味美。The poultry is fit for stewing or slicing, both delicious.

物价指数的下降影响家禽饲养业。Thefalling of commodity prices influences poultry farming.

有报道称,病人所在的村庄有家禽死亡情况。There have been reports of poultry die off in her village.