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再次,重点探讨了污点证人制度的法理基础。Third, the jurisprudential basis of the stain witness system is probed.

尤根·埃里希以其活法思想而闻名于法学界。Eugen Ehrilich is famous for his living law theory in the jurisprudential circle.

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为此本人从法理学角度研究隐私权,提出了三个方面的问题。Therefore, I study privacy from a jurisprudential aspect and propose problems in three aspects.

议会主权作为哲学和法理学上的理念,存在有似于全能悖论的问题。As a philosophical and jurisprudential idea, it has problems similar to the omnipotence paradox.

扣船制度在英美法系和大陆法系中有不同的法理依据。There are different jurisprudential foundations of seizure of ships on Common Law and Civil Law.

研究我国对城市土地利用的法律规制,有必要学习与借鉴其它国家的有益经验。Chaper II carries out jurisprudential analysis on the legal regulations of city land utilization.

法律决定的合理性是近年来法学理论界讨论的热点问题之一。Reasonableness of legal decisions is one of the focus of jurisprudential research in recent years.

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效率与效益是庭前准备程序设计的法理基础。Efficiency and benefit has always been the jurisprudential basis in the pretrial preparation procedure.

2007年出口退税法律制度的调整,使其再次成为经济学界和法学界讨论的热点。The adjustment in 2007 made the tax-refund law system a focus of attention in jurisprudential circle and economic circle.

侦查权与控诉权的关系一直是近几年来法学界讨论的话题。The relation between the right of investigation and prosecution is the topic that has been discussed in jurisprudential circle.

然后,分析了法理学界对法律效力理论研究的滞后性,提出了本文对法律效力的理解。Then the author analyzes the backward study on legal effect in jurisprudential circle, and puts forward to his views on legal effect.

“专家法律意见书”是指在已进行的诉讼案件中,法学专家应邀请为法庭裁判案件提供法律适用意见的一项制度。Opinion of jurisprudential scholar provide by legal experts through participating in argumentation of cases on invitation of the court.

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小额诉讼程序在解决小额纠纷上的优势源于其深厚的法理基础及其特殊的价值取向。The superiority of small claims procedure in settling the small claims disputes stems from its profound jurisprudential basis and value.

起诉裁量权的客观必然性和法理合理性以及可能被滥用的倾向性,使得对检察机关公诉权的制约成为必要。The inevitability and jurisprudential ration of the accusatory discretion and the inclination to be abused make it necessary to control it.

非法人团体能否成为民事主体的问题,历来是民法学理论界争论的焦点。The issue of whether non-corporate groups have the qualifications as civil subjects is the bone of contention in civil jurisprudential circle.

俄亥俄州大学的法律学教授彼得说,消费者不应当成为计算机专家才能够保护自己的隐私。The jurisprudential professor Peter of Ohio university says, consumer ought not to become computer expert ability to protect his privacy quite.

一直以来,行政垄断作为一种政府滥用行政权力限制竞争的行为,被法学界广泛研究。For a long time, administrative monopoly is studied by jurisprudential circle as governing authority abuse behavior that constrains competition.

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本文总结和提出了法律竞合这一法理学概念。并且分析了法律竞合的概念、特征和分类等。This article summarizes and presents a new jurisprudential conception-concurrence, and gives its conception, characteristics and classifications.

在这种时代背景下,法学界和司法实务界对其应否予以保留产生了诸多的争议。Under such a background, a lot of disputes have arisen in jurisprudential circle and judicial practice circle on whether the system should be retained.

审判实践中大量夫妻债务纠纷引发了学术界对此问题的讨论,本文亦参与其中。In the practice the massive matrimonial debt disputes caused much discussion among the jurisprudential circle. This thesis also is about the discussion.