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但我们的确需要令人信服的行动来抑制未来的赤字。But we do need to act convincingly to curb future deficits.

但我们需要采取令人信服的行动来控制将来的赤字。But we do need to act convincingly to curb future deficits.

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但这并不够,你们的报告已经令人信服地指明了这一点。But this is not enough, and your reports make this point convincingly.

她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力,很快就将我的论点驳倒。She replies to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter.

甚至是杂志也可能在高分辨率的屏幕上得以出色重现。Even magazines might be reproduced convincingly on the high-resolution screen.

监测结果现已令人信服地在所有四名护士中排除H5N1感染。Test results have now convincingly ruled out H5N1 infection in all four nurses.

没有人困惑这个故事——我在回家之前已经学会如何活灵动现地跛行。No one suspected the story—I had learned to limp convincingly before I returned home.

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韩国黄禹锡和中国上海交通大学汉芯造假的陈进等丑闻有力地说明了这一点。The scandals over Hwang Woo-suk in Korea and Chen Jin in China convincingly illustrate this point.

吻了被施了魔法的石头后,国王就有了能言擅辩,花言巧语,滔滔不绝的能力。Kissing the stone while under the spell gave the king the ability to speak sweetly and convincingly.

解放油罐车演出也令人信服地获得了37分,和38分。The Golf and the Passat also performed convincingly and were awarded 37 points and 38 points respectively.

受股市帮助,原油开始冲破高点。Initially crude seemed to break convincingly higher yesterday helped by a continuingly strong equity market.

他私下里找到贾马单挑,并向他证明了拳头要比魔法剑来得迅猛。He had gone after Jama privately and demonstrated convincingly that the fist was swifter than the magic sword.

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是的,美国仍存在工资差距,这足以令人信服地说明,至少在部分领域,歧视仍然存在。Yes, the U.S. still has a wage gap, one that can be convincingly explained—at least in part—by discrimination.

史瑞克的世界和他的故事生动地呈现出来,故事里的永恒寄意也表现得令人信服。Shrek's world and story are brought vividly to life, and the timeless moral of the story is convincingly realized.

当我认为一份构想已经很有说服力的提出来共大家欣赏以后,我就不想再去鞭打一匹死马一直到永远!Once an idea has been floated as convincingly as I think it needs to be, I don't want to go on flogging it forever!

珠江三角洲城市群是以广州为核心的多个等级不同的城市在城市梯级发展规则下逐渐向外围扩展形成的。The Pearl River Delta and the Hu-Ning-Hang City Groups convincingly manifest the ladder-shaped development of cities.

那也是他在竞选中一次次告诉大家的,尽管言语没有爱德华说的那么有文采,但最终却更加让人信服。That's what he told us again and again in his campaign, not as colorfully as Edwards, but ultimately more convincingly.

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我们应该老老实实地办事,对事物有分析,写文章有说服力,不要靠装腔作势来吓人。We should do our work honestly, take an analytical approach, write convincingly and never strike a pose to overawe people.

我们可以制定一个合理的家庭炸鸡方式,设计一个英式混合香料的配方。We were also able work out a sensible method of home cooking fried chicken, and devise a convincingly British spicing mix.

在NFC技术的绿湾包装令人信服地赢得了头两个超级杯,有些业主担心球队的未来合并。Afterthe NFC's Green Bay Packers convincingly won the first two Super Bowls, some team owners feared for the future of the merger.