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她成天唠唠叨叨地找他岔子。She nagged at him all day long.

她总是不停地抱怨他的不良生活习惯。She always nagged about his way of life.

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他每天喋喋不休要我辞掉心爱的工作。Who nagged me into quitting a job I loved.

我终于被唠叨得不耐烦,给草坪除草去了。I was at last nagged into weeding the lawn.

你的爱人是因为你的喋喋不休而烦躁吗?Is your sweetheart crabby about being nagged?

整个晚餐,阿琳都在为这一幕所困扰。Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her.

我唠叨我妈去医生那做个检查。I nagged my mother to go to the doctor for a checkup.

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自从他们结婚以来,她老是对他发号施令,跟他纠缠不休。She's bossed and nagged him ever since they got married.

然而,副作用的问题,已经不断的给疫苗找麻烦了。The question of side effects, however, has nagged the vaccine.

他们也猥亵代表团里来自印度东北的女性。They also nagged at girls in the delegation from the northeast.

孩子们终于缠得保姆答应带他们去动物园了。The children finally nagged the nurse into taking them to the zoo.

李斯通杀死了他的太太,因为她不停地唠叨了20午。Stone Lee killed his wife because she nagged him nonstop for 20 years.

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因她跟黑人有交往,她的家人对她唠叨个不停。Her family nagged her continually because of her association with Negroes.

这个问题已经使援外人员颇伤了一个时期的脑筋。This problem had nagged the consciousness of foreign aid people for some time.

父亲对他很失望,总抱怨他的举止不像个正常男孩。He was a source of disappointment to his father, who nagged at Jim to behave like a normal boy.

由于怀疑老公有严重的身体健康问题,我一直纠缠着他直到他同意去看医生。Suspecting he had a serious medical condition, I nagged my husband until he agreed to see a doctor.

太多的女人曾经向男友坦白过真实的性伴侣数量,最终却被不断地逼问详尽的细节。Too many women have told their boyfriends their real number, only to be nagged incessantly for explicit details.

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我忘却了动物所受的苦,只为了将牠们当食物看待,而且我也厌倦了在每餐吃饭时被嘲笑或被找碴。I forgot about the pain that animals endure just to wind up as food, and I was tired of being made fun of or nagged at during every meal.

尽管这个新的意识不停地让我犯嘀咕,我试图继续我已经习以为常的生活,把奶酪放在比萨上。Despite this new consciousness that nagged at me, I tried to continue to live like I had grown accustomed to living, to put cheese on that pizza.

胆小的猎人,通常只猎些兔子回家,一天早上被他的妻子唠叨,让他去猎些比兔子大些的动物。A hunter, not very bold, was nagged one morning by his wife, who told him to go hunting for something bigger than the rabbits he usually brought home.