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像太阳下的葡萄干?Like a raisin in the sun?

最后加入胡桃和葡萄干。Lastly add in Walnut and Raisin.

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你也可以做葡萄干烤饼。You can also make raisin scones.

你能演示给我看如何做葡萄干松饼吗?Can you show me how to make raisin scones, please?

我从不说谎,三,我做的提子燕麦饼干是最好的。And three, I make the best oatmeal raisin cookies in the world.

我们寻找汤普森葡萄干小侏儒制造商。We search for manufacturers of raisin a grade Thompson mini midget.

菲尔普斯只要盯着葡萄看一看就能把葡萄烘成葡萄干!Michael Phelps can turn a grape into a raisin just by looking at it.

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有典型的仙粉黛香味,伴有葡萄干、巧克力、咖啡和烟熏微辛辣。You will find typical Zinfandel fruit with slight raisin and spice noses.

求你们给我葡萄乾增补我力、给我苹果畅快我心.因我思爱成病。Sustain me with raisin cakes, Refresh me with apples, Because I am lovesick.

软小面包、法国面包、葡萄面包、硬小面包、裸麦面包以及白面包。Soft roll, French bread, raisin bread, hard rolls, rye bread and plain bread.

我从不说谎,三,我做的提子燕麦饼干是最好的。Two, I never lie and three, I make the best oatmeal raisin cookies in the world.

巧克力粒、葡萄干和夏威夷果,令人心醉。A perfect trio – Chocolate chip, raisin and macadamia, The core of the cookie melts with your heart.

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但是在那些先吃了葡萄干的人中间,他们是受到排斥或受到欢迎都没关系。But among those who'd eaten the raisin first, it didn't matter whether they'd been ostracized or embraced.

自选草莓开心果口味,菠萝椰子口味,香蕉提子口味配以糖浆。Choice of Strawberry and Pistachio, Pineapple and Coconut or Banana and Raisin. Served with Real Maple Syrup.

当然,在与你的另一半大发雷霆时,避开去品味一粒葡萄干是很不实际的。Of course, during a flare-up with your significant other it's rarely practical to duck out and savor a raisin.

当气囊爆开时,撞击到席维亚的脸,他的喉咙吐出葡萄乾,让他恢复意识。When the airbag deployed, it struck Silvia in the face, dislodging the raisin from his throat and reviving him.

对生态公益林的区划布局、经营管理、资金筹措等问题作了初步探讨。This paper made a initial approach to the issue of the division and layout , cultivation and management , fund raisin.

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它的色泽呈金色,略带琥珀色,具有菩提花、干无花果和阿拉伯树胶蜂蜜以及葡萄干的香味。It's golden colour with amber tinges preempts the linden flower, dried figs, acacia honey and raisin aromas and flavours.

如养护不周、时干时湿,表面干缩形变受到内部混凝土的约束,也往往导致裂缝。If conservation planning, wet, dry, the surface of a raisin deform internal concrete binding, but also often lead to cracks.

购买了这种被召回葡萄干产品的消费者可退回购买商店,并得到全额退款。Consumers who purchased the recalled packages of Deer Raisin Golden may return them to the place of purchase for a full refund.