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就是这一点东西引诱它残杀昆虫。This is the tidbit which tempts his insectivorous fate.

本种为食虫植物,在生态系统中有其独特的作用。It is an insectivorous plant and plays a special role in an ecosystem.

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在茶园释放两种食虫性螨,用以控制茶叶害螨。Two insectivorous mites were released to tea fields to control injurious mites.

他的研究表明,有些群落消逝速度很快,尤其是食虫鸟类。His study shows some populations shrinking fast, especially insectivorous birds.

食虫植物和某些触敏植物是较早发现的例子。Insectivorous plants and some touch-sensitive plants are the example found earlier.

食虫植物和某些触敏植物是较早发现的例子。Insectivorous plants and some touch_sensitive plants are the examples found earlier.

繁殖于西伯利亚、中国大陆及日本,雌鸟孵卵时由雄鸟喂食。This is an insectivorous species which breeds in Japan, eastern Siberia and the Himalayas.

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猪笼草为热带食虫植物,其叶先端中脉变形为捕虫袋,能捕获昆虫将之消化。Nepenthes alata Blanco is a tropical insectivorous plant with pitchers which can catches and digests insects.

在橄榄树之间建造昆虫馆提供整年的昆虫栖息地。We have planted insectaries between our olive trees to provide year-round habitat for our insectivorous guests.

科学家在位于东南亚的婆罗洲岛发现了一种微型青蛙,它们居住在食虫猪笼草上,并在此繁殖。Scientists have discovered a tiny frog living and reproducing in insectivorous pitcher plants on the Southeast Asian island of Borneo.

与杂食性鸡类、食虫鸟类及猛禽比较,勺鸡的消化系统具有典型植食性鸟类的特征。Compared with omnivorous pheasants, insectivorous birds and raptorial birds Koklass's digestive system is similar to the typical phytophagous birds.

依赖其他生物体来获得营养的生物,例如所有的动物,寄生和食虫植物都是消费者。比较。Consumer An organism that feeds upon another organism, e. g. all animals and parasitic and insectivorous plants. Compare producer. See also trophic level.