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第四是抽象主义的真实。The fourth is the truth of abstractionism.

这封公开信是反驳抽象派论点的。This open letter is to rebut the argument of abstractionism.

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这些作品无疑是当代抽象画新的收获。Without any doubt these works of art must be among the new achievements of modern abstractionism.

表现主义和抽象派诞生于世纪交替的社会变革环境之下。The expressionism and abstractionism are born in the turn of the century changes in society environment under.

无论是现实主义、抽象主义或现代艺术都与视觉经验有着不可分割的关系。Therefore, either realism or abstractionism or modern arts has an inseparable relation with visual experience.

钟鼎是属于80年代的艺术家,他的作品,我们可以说,这是东方的抽象和西方的抽象的结合,是东方的写实和西方的写实的结合。His works can be said to have combined Eastern abstractionism with Western abstractionism and Eastern realism with Western realism.

应运而生的表现主义与抽象派高举起艺术探索的旗帜,创造出别具一格的艺术风格。The expressionism and abstractionism height arising at the historic moment raise the banner that art probes, create out peculiar artistic style.

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他将传统的写实绘画,经过抽象和极简主义的提炼,理性地建构出具有个人独特风格的现代艺术理念。He refines traditional realistic painting with abstractionism and minimalism approach, and rationally constructs a modern art concept with unique personal style.

如果你持有的抽象派作品的地方是在左,右展览展出表象,那么王育红最近的作品绝对应该放在两人之间。If you hold an exhibition where works of abstractionism are displayed at left and representationalism at right, then Wang Yuhong's recent works should definitely be placed between them two.

早在绘画历程的初始,廖继春即追求绘画主题精神性的表现,对于内在本质的关注似乎也预示了艺术家在1960年代朝向抽象领域发展的倾向。Even early in his career, Liao sought to project the emotional qualities of his subjects, a focus on their inner nature that here seems to presage his turn toward abstractionism in the 1960s.