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对此我不想赘述I don't want to overstate this.

但这个小组夸大这个事件了么?But did the panel overstate its case?

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我不想夸大珀蒂在此书中的作用。I don't want to overstate Petit's role in this book.

这羝个对比可能夸大了峰时价格机制的作用。Thee comparison may overstate the power of surge pricing.

稳定性带来的好处有可能被夸大。It is possible to overstate the benefits of stabilization.

他们说,塔米尔猛虎组织强迫他们夸大上网数字。They said the Tamil Tiger would force them to overstate casualty figures.

因此,诺德豪斯的损失评估恐怕是夸大了采取行动的收益。As a result, Nordhaus’s loss estimates may overstate the gains from action.

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可以毫不夸张地说,丰田公司极大地牵动着日本商界的神经。IT IS hard to overstate the importance of Toyota in Japan’s business psyche.

要想别人展现一个积极和自信的面貌,但是不要夸大其词。Present a positive and confident picture of yourself, but don't overstate your case.

所以一个男人可能夸大他所拥有的东西,让自己显得更能让女人动心。So a man may overstate what he has to make himself appear more desirable to a woman.

对侯赛因的到场在谈判中起到的作用很难说得清,但他的作用不容小视。It is difficult to describe or overstate the impact Hussein’s presence had on the talks.

难以夸大母乳喂养对母亲和孩子的健康益处。It’s hard to overstate the health advantages of breast-feeding for both mother and baby.

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夸张的典型用法是重要性,意义,严肃和案例。Typical collocates of overstate are importance , significance , seriousness and the case.

他在雅典奥运会上获得了冠军后,谁也无法说清全国人民对刘翔的期望到底有多高。It's hard to overstate the expectations saddling Liu, who won the 110-meter gold in Athens.

人们必须要谨慎小心地不要去夸大我们对阿尔茨海默氏症所知道的预防知识。People need to be careful not to overstate what we know about preventing Alzheimer's disease.

很难夸大这些女人制作的电影在内陆的影响。It is difficult to overstate the impact that the films these women made had on the hinterlands.

在此情况下,他们当然倾向于轻描淡写所遇的困难,并夸大未来之前途。The temptation to belittle hardships and to overstate the possibilities of the future was great.

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我深信如果我们将目前的形势夸大或魔鬼化,或过分简单化抑或过分强调,我们就输了。I am convinced that whenever we exaggerate or demonize, oversimplify or overstate our case, we lose.

罗宾森解释道,“很难夸大气候变化对我们最早期祖先的影响。”"It is hard to overstate the impact of climate change on our earliest ancesters, " Robinson explains.

那些新套拆战过往几年衰止的格式除夜没有没有同。It's hard to overstate how different the new suits are from the dominant styles of the past few years.