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你晕机吗?Are you airsick?

你会晕机吗?Do you get airsick?

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我有点晕机。I'm a little airsick.

我觉得有点晕机。I'm feeling a bit airsick.

她觉得冷和有点晕机。She felt cold and a little airsick.

请给我些晕机药。Give me some airsick ness pills please.

如果乘客晕机你该如何处理?If the passenger airsick how you handle it?

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上次我乘飞机时晕机了。That last time I took a plane, I got airsick.

我感觉不舒服,我想我晕机了,我换下座位吗?I am not feeling very well. I think I am airsick.

我可能有点晕机。一些药或许能帮上忙。I'm probably a little airsick. Some pills might be helpful.

服务员会给你晕机药或让你嚼口香糖。The stewardess will give you an airsick pill or gum to chew.

我有点晕机,请给我点晕机药片。I'm feeling a little bit airsick , please give me some pills.

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您很可能晕机了,我马上去给您送些药来。You're probably airsick , and I'll get some medicine for you right away.

他还说,波音787的防气流颠簸技术使晕机变得几乎不可能。And he says new anti-turbulence technology makes it almost impossible to get airsick.

谈不上愉快。在大西洋上空碰上暴风雨。飞机颠簸得很厉害。大家都晕机了。Not really. We ran into a thunderstorm over the Atlantic Ocean, and the airplane was so tossed that everyone got airsick.