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当然不能和现在NBA的球员比了That's tiny in the NBA now.

莫非NBA老板真的境遇如此不堪?Do NBA owners really have it that bad?

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接下来,瑶敏将赢得15次NBA总冠军。Yao Ming will win the next 15 NBA titles.

最后一场NBA全明星赛下午3点开始。The last NBA All Star game starts at 3 pm.

对NBA裁判的投诉,越越来越多"Complaints about NBA referees growing ugly."

2009年,她则担任了决赛期间的裁判。And in 2009, she officiated in the NBA finals.

谁是现如今NBA中最好的大前锋?Who's the best power forward in the NBA today?

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谁是NBA现在最好的小前锋?Who's the best small forward in the NBA today?

NBA2011-12的赛程已经火热出炉了。The schedule is set for the 2011-12 NBA season.

58场常规赛胜利,3名全明星,一次NBA总决赛之旅。Three All-Stars. And one trip to the NBA Finals.

现在的NBA里谁的投篮最柔和美妙?Who currently has the smoothest shot in the NBA?

总决赛败北的痛好深好深。The pain from losing the NBA Finals ran that deep.

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谁是现今NBA最被高估的大前锋?Who's the most overrated power forward in the NBA?

谁又是NBA中最被高估的小前锋呢?Who's the most overrated small forward in the NBA?

谁是NBA中最具有潜力的大前锋?Who's the most promising power forward in the NBA?

NBA总冠军!夺得冠军的滋味太美妙了,我们要好好享受这一切。NBA Champions! This is soooo sweet. Let's enjoy it.

谁是最被低估的大前锋在现今的NBA?Who's the most underrated power forward in the NBA?

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在NBA谁是最被低估的小前锋?Who's the most underrated small forward in the NBA?

科比布莱恩特。我最喜欢的就是NBA。他是最出色的球员。Kobe Bryant. I like NBA best .He is the best player.

他们两个都沈迷于看NBA篮球赛。They are both obsessed with watching NBA basketball.