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送她去戒毒所。Get her into rehab.

或许戒毒所帮上忙?Maybe rehab might have helped?

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林赛·罗韩出入改造中心好几次了。Lindsay Lohan's in and out of rehab.

美国枪击案受伤议员能够站立并准备开始接受康复治疗。Giffords able to stand up as she readies for rehab.

我想你和我一起去疗养院看看我父亲。I Need You To Come With Me To Visit My Dad In Rehab.

他将会穿上保护靴12周,然后,就是修复。He will be 12 weeks in a boot and after that it is rehab.

几个星期都没有恢复,这是一段痛苦的时光。No rehab for a few weeks, but a lifetime of pain management.

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Destito先生的两个朋友也在买闲置房用于重新装修。Two of Mr. Destito’sfriends are now buying vacant houses to rehab.

我的这个夏天将会非常关键,这样我就可以专注于康复治疗。My summer is going to be very low key so that I can focus on rehab.

我的夏季将是非常低的关键,这样我就可以专注于康复。My summer is going to be very low key so that I can focus on rehab.

因为我伤病恢复的需要,我不能尽情玩乐,但是在那里我们确实是很享受。I had to take it easy due to my rehab but we still enjoyed ourselves.

总而言之,药物康复中心旨在恢复药物成瘾者的生活。In sum, Drug Rehab must aim at rebuilding the life of the drug addict.

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迪斯尼明星黛咪洛瓦托离开治疗中心与她的家人度过假期。Disney star Demi Lovato left rehab to spend the holidays with her family.

他让自己住进勒戒中心好让自己能够戒掉酒瘾。He admitted himself into a rehab center in order to abstain from alcohol.

每当我和我的医生还有我的恢复师交流时,他们都说我的伤正在按时恢复。Whenever I talk to my doctors and my rehab people, they say I'm right on schedule.

随后马宏升转移到旧金山一个康复机构,按计划他应该待够一个月。When he moved to a rehab facility in San Francisco, he was supposed to stay a month.

老旧的嘉陵江铁路桥在我们访问期间进行大规模的修复。The older Jialing River Railway Bridge was undergoing a major rehab during our visit.

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手术之后,欧文将在圣詹姆斯公园和纽卡的医疗队一起继续进行恢复。After the operation Owen will resume his rehab with the medical team at St James' Park.

24岁的怀恩豪斯戒毒之后首次公开演出。Winehouse, 24, returned to public performance for the first time since she entered rehab.

从他被逮捕,强迫戒毒直到25岁才完全康复。It took him until age 25 to sober up completely, after being arrested and going into rehab.