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她仅仅死于葡萄球菌感染?。She died from a simple staph infection?

但是你可能要提防葡萄球菌感染。But you might worry about staph infections.

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抗药性葡萄球菌已经在医疗系统爆发。Drug-resistant staph really exploded in healthcare.

此外,从4879到6446位核苷酸在金黄色葡萄球菌。In addition, nucleotide position from 4879 to 6446 in Staph.

抗药性的葡萄球菌球菌正成为全世界真正遇到的医学问题。Drug resistant staph infections are becoming a real medical problem the world over.

这个月早些时候,他的膝盖撞上了车门,导致伤口病菌感染。The month earlier, he'd slammed his knee into a car door, an injury that became a staph infection.

这项研究显示我们很多的肉和家禽被多重耐药性葡萄球菌所污染。This study shows that much of our meat and poultry is contaminated with multidrug-resistant Staph.

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尽管政府对肉类进行抗药性细菌检查,但金黄色葡萄球菌不在检查范围之列。Although the government inspects U.S. meats for drug-resistant bacteria, staph is not included in testing.

记住这点,你可以采取一些具体的步骤来阻止葡萄球菌的感染。With this in mind, there are some very specific steps that you can take to work to prevent the spread of staph infections.

美国境内类似的养猪场,已经被归咎于致死性的,抗药性的葡萄球菌感染。Similar pig farms exist in the United States, and have been blamed for the rise of lethal, drug-resistant staph infections.

葡萄球菌会在多汗、多盐的环境下复制,所以你健身服装穿的时间越长,危险性越大。Staph reproduces in sweaty, salty environments, so the longer you stay in your gym clothes the more likely you are to be at risk.

潜伏在高脚椅上的细菌包括大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、粪肠球菌等,这些病菌会导致严重的小儿疾病。The bacteria found included E coli, Staph aureus and Enterococcus faecalis, which can cause serious illnesses for young children.

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令人担忧的是,某些耐药菌,例如“耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌”也正在获得产生坏死性毒素的能力。However, there is an alarming trend in that drug-resistant staph superbugs like MRSA are also developing the ability to make necrotizing toxins.

葡萄球菌感染常惹起皮肤的化脓性炎症,也可惹起菌血症、败血症和各内脏器官的严重感染。Staph infections of the skin often causes pyogenic inflammation, also can cause bacteremia, sepsis and the internal organs of serious infections.

对造成葡萄球菌感染、猩红热,以及其他严重疾病的动物来说,用激光照射之后的吲哚花青绿会成为一种致命物质。Hit indocyanine green dye with a laser and it becomes lethal to the critters that cause staph infections, scarlet fever, and other nasty diseases.

这种药物帮助治疗大多数人患有的葡萄球菌感染,但它会给带有罕见基因组的人带来肝脏问题。The drug helps treat most people's staph infections. But it's associated with liver problems in rare individuals carrying another specific gene set.

一项最新的研究表明,一种具有抗生素抗性的葡萄球菌从欧洲开始了它的环球冒险,并在传播过程中迅速突变。An antibiotic-resistant strain of staph bacteria began its globetrotting adventures in Europe and can mutate quickly as it spreads, a new study suggests.

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尽管通过适当的烹饪就可杀灭葡萄球菌,但是,不当的烹饪方法或者厨房污染都可能对消费者的健康构成危险。Although Staph should be killed with proper cooking, it may still pose a risk to consumers through improper food handling and cross-contamination in the kitchen.

事实上,金黄色葡萄球菌与其他细菌产生抗药性的自然机制,让这类问题几乎无可避免,导致我们一直都需要有新的抗生素。Indeed, the natural mechanisms that cause resistance in staph and other bacteria make the problem almost inevitable, creating a constant need for new antibiotics.

在病人和探访者的133部手机中,超过四分之三的携带有葡萄球菌,其中一部携带有抗药性很强的耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌。Of 133 phones belonging to patients and their visitors at a Turkish hospital, more than three quarters were carrying staph bacteria—and one phone had the multi-drug-resistant strain MRSA.