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布林迪西意大利南部一城市,位于巴里东南的亚得里亚海岸。A city of southern Italy Adriatic Sea southeast of Bari.

巴勒莫和南部城市巴里也不甘落后地表示了申办意愿。Palermo and rumblings of a proposal from southern city Bari followed.

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他的主业是商人,隶属于墨菲塔裁判大区。He is a tradesman and belongs to referee department of Molfetta, Bari.

二人均称已获得了最近举行的巴里地方大选的候选资格。Both said they were offered candidacies in recent local elections in Bari.

一个车队经过一个村庄,从一个前哨基地巴里阿莱在库纳尔的碉堡,观看。A convoy passed a village, as viewed from a bunker at Outpost Bari Alai in Kunar.

尤文图斯已经将年轻前锋兰扎法梅租借到了巴里,下赛季将会为新东家效力。Juventus have sent young striker Davide Lanzafame on-loan to Bari for the new season.

一个美国战斗机滴在塔利班的立场,在前哨巴里阿莱交火期间的炸弹。A US fighter jet drops bombs at Taliban positions during a firefight at Outpost Bari Alai.

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直到今天,巴里的人们每年都会举行游行,燃放烟火来庆祝这场盗窃。The theft of Santa's bones is still celebrated in Bari with an annual parade and fireworks.

兰扎法梅在2007-08赛季效力于巴里。他出场38次,打入11球,凭借这样的表现进入了人们的视线。He burst on to the scene with Bari in the 2007-08 season when he scored 11 goals in 38 games.

马洛塔打算从巴里召回塞尔吉奥。阿尔梅隆,并将这名阿根廷中场作为交易筹码交换帕隆博。Marotta intends to recall Sergio Almiron from Bari and offer him to Sampdoria in exchange for Palombo.

巴里和热那亚将决定我的未来,因为我被共同拥有。我对尤文的兴趣一无所知。Bari and Genoa will decide my future, as I am co-owned by them. I know nothing about the Juve interest.

“自从新警察局长到任后,这一年里拉什卡尔加的安全做得很好,”巴里说。"Security has been good in Lashkar Gah for one year since the arrival of the new police chief," Bari said.

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美军士兵开火朝着一个塔利班在一个前哨巴里阿莱,在库纳尔交火位置60毫米迫击炮弹。US soldiers fire 60mm mortar rounds toward a Taliban position during a firefight at Outpost Bari Alai in Kunar.

巴里中场雅戈。法尔科承诺会帮助球队保级,然后会回到尤文图斯。Bari midfielder Yago Falque has promised to help the team dodge relegation and then return to parent club Juventus.

威尼斯、巴里和巴勒莫的最大申办难题在于,必须让Petrucci相信其城市规模足够申办如此大型的活动。The biggest difficulty for Venice, Bari and Palermo is convincing Petrucci their cities are big enough to be hosts.

两家俱乐部在共有关系上达成共识,加拉索下赛季还会随巴里征战意乙。The two clubs have settled on a co-ownership agreement which will see Galasso continue with Serie B Bari next term.

黑蓝军团在联赛揭幕战中让人吃惊地被巴里逼平,而莫拉蒂认为球队在战胜米兰后已经迈入了正轨。The chief believes the win against Milan has paved the way forward following a shaky start against Bari in week one.

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巴里说,在这4个国家之中,阿富汗距离实现遏止小儿麻痹症病毒传播的目标最近。Bari says Afghanistan is the closest of the four endemic countries in stopping the spread of the crippling polio virus.

如果拉涅利在本赛季结束后下课的话,现任巴里主教练,前尤文传奇孔蒂将是接班人的最热门人选。Should Ranieri sacked at the end of this season, Conte, the Bari Coach and Juventus legend, is the favourite for the job.

一名美军士兵注意到一个前哨巴里阿莱在库纳尔交火期间9月15日从美国战斗机轰炸罢工。A US soldier observes a bombing strike from a US fighter jet during a firefight at Outpost Bari Alai in Kunar on Sept. 15.