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“白沙在涅,与之俱黑”。Baisha in nirvana, with Ju black.

对了,有没有阿驹和小夜子的消息?To, have Ju and the news of small night son?

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段益华也同意了鞠世平的提议。Duan Yihua also agreed to Ju Shiping's proposal.

温家宝和朴凤柱出席了签字仪式。Wen Jiabao and Pak Bong Ju attended the signing ceremony.

在这部影片中,巩俐把秋菊扮演得很成功。Gong Li played the role of Qiu Ju in this film successfully.

张居正是明朝一位杰出的政治家。Zhang Ju -zhang was an outstanding politician in Ming Dynasty.

桔多淇表示,因为她没有用颜料,她的作品都能吃。All the artwork can be eaten since no dyestuff is used, said Ju.

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珠珠,我知道,只是说对不起,刚才不会做它,使它的权利。Ju Ju , I know just saying sorry just won't do it, make it right.

会谈开始前,温家宝为朴凤柱举行了欢迎仪式。Prior to the meeting, Wen held a welcome ceremony for Pak Bong Ju.

两个F,看上去蛮对的,我觉得蛮对的。Ju do something! Two "F's. " That looks right. I think that's right.

蕲州在军事上是一战略要地,秦钜也知道它的重要性。Qi Zhou is a strategic military, Qin Ju also know the importance of it.

姗姗将此事告诉了鞠世平,两个人决定不让段家得逞。Shanshan will tell the Ju Shiping, two people decided not to let a house.

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两个地区当中,莒县较高,高密市较低。In two areas, Ju County is relatively high, the Gaomi city is relatively low.

就是我也能求见的,请让我把您引见给张君。Only Ju must also be called on, Ju is in order to see you to Zhang Jun, please.

胳膊被人用力一拉,一个趔趄倒在明寐身上。The arm namely made one exertion a to pull, a Lie Ju pours aboard explicit Mei.

埃尔帕索城美国得克萨斯州最西端一城市,位于与墨西哥胡亚雷斯相望的里奥格兰德。A city of extreme western Texas on the Rio Grande opposite Ciudad Ju? ez , Mexico.

鞠世平在会议上肆意指责段正华等三人不称职。Ju Shiping at the meeting accused Duan Zhenghua and other three people incompetent.

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而且,关于莒县方言中的同一个问题,各家的说法也是时有出入。Furthermore, there are different views about the same question on Ju County dialect.

让读者对莒县方言有一个系统的、全面的把握。So readers can have a comprehensive and systematic understanding of Ju County dialect.

鞠是一种皮球,球皮用皮革做成,球内用毛塞紧。Ju is a ball, the ball is made of leather with the leather ball plugged in with the hair.