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你能增加一公斤吗?Can you add one kilogram now?

鸡蛋按仟剋诎售。Eggs are sold by the kilogram.

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在这儿,单位价格是每千克15美元。The unit price is USD 15.00 per kilogram.

这些苹果每公斤五元。These apples cost five yuan per kilogram.

欧洲的标准是最高每公斤2瓦特的吸收率。In Europe, the maximum is 2 watts per kilogram.

在这儿,单位价格是每千克15美元。Here it is. The unit price is USD 15.00 per kilogram.

我增加另一公斤,它降到这个标记。I put another kilogram on, it goes down to this mark.

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一个焦耳等于,一千克乘以米的平方除以秒的平方。A joule is a kilogram meter squared per second squared.

加一千克的黄油放入面粉里,肯。Then Mocky asked Ken to add one kilogram of butter to the flour.

给母亲祝寿,也仅买了两斤肉。Even for his mother's birthday , he only bought a kilogram of meat.

我早上买的一公斤的葡萄少了好几公克。The kilogram of grapes I bought this morning was a few grams short.

其他品牌的婴幼儿奶粉样本的三聚氰胺含量仅在0.09-619毫克/公斤之间。In other samples, the range was from 0.09 mg to 619 mg per kilogram.

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但是即便你这么努力,你还是一斤肉都没减下来。But in spite of your best effort, you fail to lose a single kilogram.

相比之下,生产一公斤的番茄需要160升水。By comparison, one kilogram of tomatoes requires 160 litres of water.

所以,力的单位是千克米每秒平方So, the way to measure force is in kilogram meters per second squared.

经过脂类分解后,顾客只减少了0.5至1公斤体重。"Customers only lose 0.5 to 1 kilogram afterlipolysis, " says Maloney.

一对英国兄弟种出了一个重达约749公斤的南瓜!British twin brothers have been growing a giant pumpkin of 749 kilogram.

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你来到蔬菜店,想花一法郎买一公斤土豆。You go to the greengrocer"s to spend a franc on a kilogram of potatoes."

一个绑匪从一个水壶里倒了一两公斤的煤油在地上。A kidnapper poured one or two kilogram kerosene on the floor from a kettle.

整件雕塑高一米,长三米,重1,200千克,是实物的一半大小。The 1, 200 kilogram sculpture is half size of what the emperor used in Qin.