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目的定位免疫功能相关的中枢脑区。To study the location of brain areas involved in immunoregulation.

结论急性肾炎患儿为一种自身免疫调节异常的疾病。Conclusion Acute nephritis is a kind of disease due to abnormal immunoregulation.

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上述作用的发生机制可能与其调节基因活性和活性分子作用相关。All the actions may be associated with its immunoregulation to some genes and immune molecules.

本文报道了半导体激光血管内照射对人体外周血T淋巴细胞亚群及NK细胞的免疫调节作用。The immunoregulation effect of diode laser ILIB on T lymphocytes subpopulations and NK cells has been studied.

本品系以赤灵芝破壁孢子粉为主要原料制成的保健食品,经功能试验证明,具有免疫调节的保健功能。The products is made of wall-breaking spores of red ganoderma. It has hygienic functions human immunoregulation and proved by functional tests.

儿童股骨头坏死病变组织局部细胞免疫调节失衡,活化的淋巴细胞参与了疾病的免疫损伤,对疾病发展起一定作用。The cellular immunoregulation network in the affected local area is impaired and the activated lymphocyte may play a role in the Perthes disease.

ST段抬高性急性心肌梗死的形成、发展可能与机体的脂质代谢紊乱、免疫调节失衡有关。Besides, the formation and the development of STEMI may be relate to the disorder of lipoid metabolism and the disequilibrium of immunoregulation.

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噻唑烷二酮类药物在增加胰岛素敏感性的同时,还具有潜在的抗炎、抗动脉粥样硬化和免疫调节作用。In addition to enhance the sensitivity of insulin, thiazolidinediones may play a potential role in anti-inflammation, anti-atherosclerosis and immunoregulation.

结论中药补骨脂和双氢青蒿素对隐孢子虫均有抑杀作用,但以后者杀虫效果明显。二者协同作用,共同参与宿主的免疫调节和炎症修复过程。It's apparent that fructus psoraleae and dihydroartemisinin were all effective to mice cryptosporidiosis, and both of them participated in immunoregulation and inflammatory reaction in synergy.

目的观察PSP对S180肉瘤小鼠T淋巴细胞亚群及肿瘤细胞凋亡的影响,并探讨其免疫调节及抗肿瘤的作用机制。Objective To investigate the effect of PSP on subset of T cell and apoptosis of tumor cell from S180 cells mice and to study PSP the function of immunoregulation and the mechanism of antitumor.