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声名狼藉常被误认为鼎鼎大名。Notoriety is often mistaken for fame.

但鉴于该条款通常不受欢迎,公司不太会动用。But their notoriety dissuades firms from using them.

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她因为和参议员的风流韵事而声名狼藉。She achieved notoriety for her affair with the senator.

他生硬粗暴的态度让他声名狼藉。His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety.

作为第一个吃螃蟹者,麦当劳赢得了许多眼球。Being the first, McDonald's is getting a lot of notoriety.

幸福并不取决于积累一定数量的财富或名声。Happiness is not dependent on amassing a certain amount of wealth or notoriety.

中国的韦生楚用最多数量的针灸用的银针扎满了自己的头和脸,因而声名远扬。China's Wei Shengchu gains notoriety for most acupuncture needles in the head and face.

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他还因文学批评落得个坏名声。埃克罗伊德找到了他对别人的一些绝妙讽刺。He also earned notoriety as a critic, and Mr Ackroyd has found some of his best insults.

他们可以凭借其知名度,为一个主演的角色索要数百万美元的片酬。They can negotiate for millions of dollars for a starring role because of their notoriety.

只有当尼采在国外的名声,才过晚地获得他国人的注意。It was only Nietzsche's notoriety abroad that belatedly secured the attention of his people.

她希望她的名字和名声会有助于公众更认真地对待这项运动。And she hopes that her name and notoriety will help get the public to take it more seriously.

也是大约在这个时候,戴普因为对主流文化的敌意而恶名昭彰。It is also around this time that Depp gained notoriety for his hostility towards mainstream culture.

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他那似橡胶我眼神,对狂野和极至的酷爱,令他名声远扬,乐此不疲。His rubbery look, and penchant for wild and extreme behavior has given him a notoriety he delights in.

可是它背负的恶名使德加只好把画卖给了来自布莱顿的英国收藏家希尔上尉。But its notoriety helped Degas to sell the work to an English collector called Captain Hill from Brighton.

一些人决定利用苏丹红的“名气”,将其注册为商标。Some people have decided to take advantage of the notoriety of "Sudan Red" and register it as a trademark.

他在1991年因为绘制了一幅粉色的苏联坦克来纪念布拉格中央发生的战争而一举成名。He gained notoriety in 1991 by painting a Soviet tank pink that served as a war memorial in central Prague.

当此次事件在芝加哥媒体上炒得沸沸扬扬的时候,西北大学起初是支持贝利教授的。As the incident gained notoriety in the Chicago media, Northwestern University initially supported Prof. Bailey.

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如果人们了解到他的善行,他们会谦恭地接受别人的称颂,但不会让盛名干扰他们继续服务大众。If recognized for their service, they humbly accept it but don't allow notoriety to distract them from their work.

然而,他那怪诞的生活方式和不光彩的事迹最终还是让他的天赋和数不清的成就随风而去。Eventually, however, his bizarre life-style and personal notoriety eclipsed his talent and his numerous achievements.

但是季欣霈最近遭到网友的很多骂名,其原因是她是陈冠希旗下的首位创作女艺人。However, Yan Pei recent quarter was a lot of friends notoriety because she was Edison's first female creative artists.