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利比亚反叛军是一群乌合之众组成的军事力量。The rebels are a ragtag force.

显然,这支乌合之军买不起。It was a luxury the ragtag team obviously couldn't afford.

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同时,乌合之众船员恶梦般的遭遇很快和机甲。Meanwhile, the ragtag crew has nightmarish encounters with skitters and mechs.

然而,就是这些乌合之众击溃了强大的阿拉伯人的军事联盟,宛如圣经中的奇迹。But in an almost Biblical miracle, the ragtag Jewish forces defeated the combined Arab might.

这个周二,有人在简易桌子上为一群穿着简朴的抗议者供应了午餐,他们中的大多数都是青年人。On Tuesday, lunch was served at makeshift tables to a ragtag group of mostly youthful protesters.

几天以前,我们散兵部队来到一座欧洲小镇,那里尚未遭受战争的蹂躏。A few days ago my ragtag group of soldiers journeyed to a small European town that had been untouched by warfare.

根据和平协议,毛派乌合之众的游击队原本应该整合进正规军。Under the peace agreement, the Maoists’ ragtag bunch of guerrillas was supposed to be integrated with the proper army.

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犹太民族的“贱民”身份以及因自我封闭而导致的极端孤立的现实处境,又进一步强化了卡夫卡内心的自卑意识。The reality of the extreme isolation due to "ragtag status" of Jewry and self obturation reinforced his inward self abasement.

不过Lawrence知道其麾下贝多因民兵的战斗力是多么地低下,因而对麦地那的直接进攻是必败无疑的。But when Lawrence looked at his ragtag band of Bedouin fighters he realized that a direct attack on Medina would never succeed.

领导下层群众的乐趣远不及在下议院中当领袖的快乐。The pleasure of leading the ragtag and bobtail proves but so-so, compared with the pleasure of commanding the House of Commons.

这些声明提高了西方支持者对叛军领导人和他们乌合之众的战士的期望,但是上述期望没有一个实现。Those statements raised expectations of Western backing among rebel leaders and their ragtag fighters, but none has been forthcoming.

因为一群社会底层的反抗者面对着暴政奋勇反击,他们最大的希望就是他们用垃圾废料组装出来的战斗机器人。Because there’s a ragtag group of rebels facing an evil regime and their greatest hope may be the fighting fury of robots they assemble out of the scrap heap.

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最初,我们只是两个衣冠不整、莽撞冒失的人,如今,我们却发展成纽约市一个大型马戏团。What started out as a couple of ragtag brazen Americans juggling on the streets of Europe as a great adventure has ended up being a great New York institution.

反政府军,这群从未受过正规训练的士兵们,战胜了巨大困难,经受住战争挫败和内部分裂,向人们展现了非凡的责任感和恢复力。The rebels — a ragtag band that overcame incredible odds, battlefield defeats and bitter internal divisions — have showed extraordinary commitment and resilience.

在一马平川的地形上,卡扎菲可以用空军视察、轰炸暴露在外的叛军,将军队部署在叛军撤退的主要路口。In the flat barren terrain, it enabled the colonel to observe and then bomb exposed rebel lines, sending his ragtag opposition positioned on main roads into retreat.

当直升飞机低空掠过全球最大的未开发金矿之一时,飞行员神情黯淡地耸了耸肩。这座金矿就位于脏乱的矿业小镇埃尔多拉多南部。As the helicopter skims low over one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the world, just south of the ragtag mining town of El Dorado , the pilot shrugs bleakly.

今天在班加西,叛军领导人们正在制定向西推进的计划,临时政府则再次充满信心的作出卡扎非灭亡的预言。In Benghazi today, the leaders of the rebel’s ragtag army were drawing up plans for how to move west, and civilian leaders were once again confidently predicting Qaddafi’s demise.

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现在,左派阵线已经混杂了各色人等,有大学生、劳工工会会员、阴谋论者以及其他走上街道参加号称“占领华尔街”抗议行动的人。Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.

我不这么说是因为这部剧的第一部是如此的令人眼花缭乱——它主要是说一帮难民在美国南部四处逃亡试图不被丧尸毁灭。I don’t say this because the show’s premise is so dazzling—it’s basically about a ragtag band moving around the American South and trying to keep from being devoured by the zombies.