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然后,他又潜入了水下。Then he submerged again.

船身只有一半浸在水里。A ship is only half submerged.

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洪水淹了那个村子。The flood submerged that village.

你的绝情把我的爱、全部淹没。Your love my love, all submerged.

他把杯子浸在碗盆里。He submerged the cups in the bowl.

他把杯子都放在水盆之中。He submerged the cups in the basin.

我船与水下岩石相碰。I have collided with submerged rock.

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我船与水下沉船相碰。I have collided with submerged wreck.

他的才华为其羞怯所遮覆。His talent was submerged By his shyness.

我们的客轮在暗礁附近搁浅了。Our ship stranded near the submerged reefs.

谁用煤炭的灰湮没了壁炉香?Who has submerged the fireplace with coom ?

这面断墙被洪水淹没了。The broken wall was submerged by flood water.

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潜水艇潜入水中以躲避敌船。The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships.

泥石流埋没了整个村庄。The mud-rock flow submerged the whole village.

秧苗要部分浸水才能种植。The seedlings need to grow partially submerged.

这个茅草屋被流沙淹没了。The thatched cottage was submerged by drift sand.

两个塑料潜水泵并联泵水。Two submerged plastics pumps pump up in parallel.

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面积相当于新加坡大的一块地方将被淹没。An area the size of Singapore was to be submerged.

一线冷泉把馥郁的花香,淹没。Cold seeps into the floral fragrance line, submerged.

这是第一次核潜艇环球水下航行。It's the first submerged circumnavigation of the Earth.