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我有嗜好?I have gusto?

沃尔夫满腔热忱地迎接新生活。Wolfe embraced his new life with gusto.

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我确信做很多事情都需要有热忱。I believe in doing lots of things with gusto.??

村民们津津有味地围观仪式。The villagers threw themselves into the ceremonies with gusto.

他兴奋地吃下干酪面包、感谢地喝下那酒。He ate the cheese and bread and drank the wine with gusto and gratitude.

里弗斯鲁恩作为中西部平息他们的记忆融化成冰津津有味。Rivers run with gusto as the Midwest ices that stilled them melt into memory.

另一间教室,是我们学校的的手工制作室,孩子们正津津有味地剪纸。Another classroom, is our school hand-planted room, child with gusto paper-cut.

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首先是柜台上那个巨大的罐子,里面装满了杰克逊点心店做的甜饼干,让我大饱了口福。First, there was a huge jar of Jackson's cookies on the counter, which I raided with gusto.

没有前总统抨击超过西奥多罗斯福他津津有味后华盛顿年。No ex-president has attacked his post-Washington years with more gusto than Theodore Roosevelt.

策展人抱怨迷失在画廊里的那些恋人挪用了黑暗的角落,还津津有味地藏了起来。Curators complain that lovers, lost in art galleries, appropriate dark corners and hide in gusto.

经济形势良好时,对工作不满意的员工可以辞掉令他不爽的工作,但对未来还是相对乐观。When an economy is humming along, unsatisfied employees can quit cruddy jobs with relative gusto.

台上的设计师讲得眉飞色舞,台下的业主听得津津有味、频频点头。On the stage designer says delightedly , under the stage owner hears to nod repeatedly with gusto.

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这些数字化世界还没有经过充分的验证,IBM却欣然采用虚拟世界技术。As unproven as these new digitized worlds may be, IBM is adopting virtual world technologies with gusto.

他大喜过望地接受此职,我想就是工资低一些,他也会心满意足的。He accepted the assignment with such gusto that I feel he would have been satisfied with a smaller salary.

他对英国文学刚入门道,用巨大的热忱背诵着哈姆雷特的独白。He had just gained an entrance into English literature, and would recite Hamlet's soliloquy with great gusto.

乐维萨里可烧咖使用的深烘培工艺带出了最强列的香味和有活力的口感。The dark roast adopted for Crema e Gusto Gusto Ricco brings out the most intense fragrance and vigorous taste.

任何对于饮食不感兴趣的人,他们的生活必定枯燥无味与缺少爱,也必定无法享受生活中的乐趣。People who are not interested in food always seem rather dry and unloving and don't have a real gusto for life.

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今晚,她准备了小龙虾,新鲜的绿豆角,土豆泥和芦笋,卢克狼吞虎咽的吃完所有的美味。Tonight she prepared shrimp, fresh green beans, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Luke ate everything with gusto.

丽兹·卡潘取代艾拉·菲舍尔,满怀热情担当了精英魔术师团队中的女性元素。Lizzy Caplan stepped into Isla Fisher's shoes as the female component of this team of elite magicians with gusto.

加尧姆先生要求用一种“严肃”的方法对待极端主义,警察已经对他的这种典型的嗜好做出了反映。The police have reacted with characteristic gusto to Mr Gayoom's call for a " no-nonsense " approach to extremism.