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霞石为典型的碱性矿物,主要生成于碱性岩及其伟晶岩中。Nepheline is a typical kind of alkaline mineral, which forms mainly in alkaline deposit and its pegmatite.

长石和霞石正长岩的市场前景在很大程度上取决于玻璃容器制造业的发展形势。The outlook for feldspar and nepheline syenite depends to a large extent on the strength of the glass container industry.

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综述了44年来个旧白云山霞石正长岩开发利用研究的基本情况。In this paper, the authors reviewed the development and research status of nepheline syenite in Gejiu in the last 44 years.

以霞石正长岩为代表,研究了含碱集料对碱-硅酸反应膨胀的影响。As a representative alkaline aggregate, nepheline was selected and the effect of it on the expansion of alkali-silica reaction was studied.

以霞石正长岩取代长石,按照浮法玻璃的成份制备配合料并熔制玻璃。Using nepheline syenite as a substitute for feldspar, the batch mixtures were prepared on a composition of float glass and are melted into glasses.

以霞石正长岩取代长石,按照绿色浮法玻璃的成分制备配合料并熔制玻璃。Using nepheline syenite as a substitute for feldspar, the batch mixtures were prepared from a composition of green float glass and were melted into glasses.

试验结果表明,霞石替代长石不仅能降低瓷坯的烧成温度,而且瓷坯的强度也有明显改善。The result shows that the sintering temperature of ceramic body is reduced, but the toughness is improved obviously on substitution of nepheline for feldspar.

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稀土元素矿床是霞石正长质岩浆分异残余熔体的产物,侵位于岩体最高层位。The REE enriched residual melt penetrated into the top of intrusion would be the products of nepheline syenite magma produced in the process of differentiation.

云南的铝矿资源丰富,主要矿产分为沉积型铝土矿和霞石正长岩铝资源两大类。Yunnan Province is rich in aluminium mineral resources. Main minerals products can be divided into two types. That is, sedimentary bauxite and nepheline syenite.

通过对熔化过程的现察和对玻璃样品有关性能测试结果的分析,讨论了霞石正长岩作为浮法玻璃原料的可行性。By observing the melt course and analyzing the measurements of glass samples, the feasibility of nepheline syenite replacing part of raw material for the float glass is discussed.

通过对熔化过程的观察和对玻璃样品有关性能测试结果的分析,讨论了霞石正长岩作为绿色浮法玻璃原料的可行性。By observing of the melt course and by analyzing the measurements of glass samples, the feasibility of nepheline syenite as raw materials for the green float glasses was discussed.