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他是个小霸王。He is a bully.

英雄抑或恶霸?Hero or bully?

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他健康绝隹。He is in bully health.

一旦一个欺负讪笑我。Once a bully teased me.

亚洲头号土霸。Asia's number one bully.

暴汉常是懦夫。A bully is always a coward.

恃强欺弱者均是懦夫。A bully is always a coward.

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白宫的讲坛强大无比。The bully pulpit is powerful.

稳坐并欺负周围国家?Sit tight and get bully around?

你竟敢藐视推事?How dare you bully a magistrate?

两个都是狂暴欺人的国家。Both are rouge and bully nations.

中国正成为全球土霸。China is becoming a global bully.

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他秒杀了哪两个欺负织姬的女破面。He kills those who bully Orihime.

对我们来说,目前的土霸是中国。For us the present bully is China.

它像恶徒一样在我们面前逞威风。It raps us on the head like a bully.

有许多类型的恶霸老板。There are many types of bully bosses.

高等初等中等学校时她常常欺负我。IT employ to bully me in high educate.

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你不该欺侮那个孩子。It is wrong of you to bully the child.

该恃强欺弱者把这个小男孩推到了一边。The bully shoved aside the little boy.

他们也许会想尽办法来威胁你或者伤害你。They might try to bully you or hurt you.