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署名是“教父”。It is signed Godfather.

游戏界的教父!The Godfather of gaming!

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教父三部曲。The Godfather Trilogy 720p.

后来小天狼星成为波特的教父。Sirius also became the godfather of Harry Potter.

“你教父也是这样认为的,”黑根说。"That's what your Godfather figures, " Hagen said.

他受不了听见别人侮辱他的教父。Hearing someone insulting his godfather was too much for him.

谁是马格纳斯的教父,他曾是马格纳斯父亲的好朋友之一?Who was Magnus's godfather and a good friend of her father's?

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你好,吴启韩,你的干爹肚子饿,请你帮他买吃的,好吗?Hello Qi-Han, your godfather hungry, please help him buy food.

自从哈利的教父死了,他就一直梦见他。Since his godfather had died, Harry had kept dreaming about him.

你的米国干爹最近手头紧,美分不好挣吧!Your American Godfather recent hand tight, cent is not good earn!

所以我邀请了契克,他是我的老朋友,还是我一个儿子的教父。So I invited Chuck, my oldest friend and godfather to one of my sons.

“如果他不来找他的教父,那他去找谁?”唐·科里昂说。"And who should he come to if not his godfather?" asked Don Corleone.

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假如我能回到97年,那要做的事情就是认识一个干爹。If I would be back to 1997, what I need to do was to find a godfather.

神父要求他的人在这个地方要摈弃偏见。The godfather asked his men to deep-six the small-time punks in this area.

布莱尔的发言人昨晚拒绝就教父这层关系发表评论。A spokesman for Blair last night declined to comment on the godfather link.

最后,他给他们讲了写给他教父的那封情书。He finished by telling them about the love letter written to his godfather.

今天是世界音乐界的悲痛之日,灵魂乐的教父詹姆斯布朗与世长辞。Sad day for the world of music, the Godfather of Soul, James Brown has died.

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就连素有推动和平进程上帝之父之称的沙特阿拉伯也十分谨慎。Even Saudi Arabia, the putative godfather of the peace process, sounded wary.

小恶魔教父伺服器,有20台私人车辆给玩家购买。Little Devil Godfather Server, there are 20 private vehicles to the players to buy.

他曾是田中角荣,自由民主党机器政治的核心人物,的忠实助理。Ozawa was a loyal lieutenant to Kakuei Tanaka, the godfather of LDP machine politics.