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芳族的班图语言。The Bantu language of the Fang.

属于或关于茨瓦纳方言或说茨瓦纳的人的。Of or relating to a dialect of Sotho or the Bantu people who it.

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假如我了解的话,就不会用那个可怜的班图女子要胁您了。If I'd known I wouldn't have threatened you about that wretched Bantu girl.

金亚旺达语卢旺达的班图语言,与基隆迪语关系密切,是卢旺达的官方语言。A Bantu language of Rwanda, closely related to Kirundi and an official language of Rwanda.

说班图语的人常常通过从附近其他语言中借用同义词,来避开这种限制。Bantu speakers often get around this restriction by borrowing synonyms from other languages spoken nearby.

祖鲁人非洲东南部的一支班图人,主要居住在南非纳塔省的东北部。A member of a Bantu people of southeast Africa, primarily inhabiting northeast Natal province in South Africa.

当地矮黑人和班图族人数百年来尊崇空古瀑布,箇中原因不难了解。Local pygmy and Bantu ethnic groups have revered the Kongou Falls for centuries, and it is easy to understand why.

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南非东北部一历史地区。班图族人定居于此,887年被英国吞并。A historical region of northeast South Africa. Settled by members of a Bantu nation, it was annexed by the British in 887.

那里的雕刻家来到了坦桑尼亚,最初如历史所记载那样,班图人部落向北迁徙,后来寻找到定居点。There sculptors moved into Tanzania, initially as a historical northward movement of the Bantu tribe and later for seeking refuge.

顺便说一下,前几天我梦见你在班图男士社交中心扭动着全身跳起了优雅的夏威夷舞蹈。By the way, the other day I dreamt of you convulsing your entire body with a graceful Hawaiian dance at the Bantu Men’s Social Centre.

今年,饱受战争蹂躏的索马里是民众遭受威胁最严重的国家,该国少数民族班图成为最容易受到伤害的族裔。Topping the list of this year's Peoples Under Threat index is war-torn Somalia, where the Bantu minority group is particularly vulnerable.

班图语族起源于西非,大约五千年前开始向南迁徙,逐渐取代至今仍是采猎民族的布什曼人。Bantu speakers originated in West Africa and began to migrate southward some 5, 000 years ago, displacing the Bushmen, who were until recently hunter-gatherers.

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马鲁拉果长短洲班图族人的主要食品,他们把它多种植于迁徙的沿途上,跟着班图人的迁徙格式,现在已遍布全部非洲。The distribution of the tree throughout Africa, follow the migratory patterns of the Bantu people, as it was an important source of food, and they planted more trees along their way.

比弗顿的一所小学甚至提出“缝合”设想――学生的家长在一起缝衣,以此欢迎索马里班图族家长,弥合巨大的文化差异。And one Beaverton elementary school even came up with the idea of a "sew in"― parents of students sewing together ― to welcome Somali Bantu parents and bridge major cultural differences.

本文主要介绍卡加梅关于班图哲学研究的方法和理论成果,诸如班图哲学的定义、来源、内涵和性质等。This article mainly introduces Kagame's research method and his theoretical achievement in Bantu philosophy study, such as the definition, sources, contents and nature of Bantu philosophy.

1991年国内大型全自动洗涤设备第一台应用调频调速技术在广州市广涤宾图洗涤机械厂诞生后,国内洗涤设备行业从此迈进世界先进行列。The domestic washing is stepping into the world top after the first auto-water with channel-and-speed-changing technology was born in Guangzhou Guangdi Bantu Washing machine Company in 1991.

Hayes博士说,之所以挑选图图大主教一是因为他对医学强烈的兴趣,二是因为他的父母分别是来自于南非最大的两个班图部落——索托-茨瓦纳和恩戈民族。Dr. Hayes said Archbishop Tutu was selected because of his keen interest in medicine and because his parents come from the two largest Bantu groups in South Africa, the Sotho-Tswana and the Nguni.

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由于集聚了来自印度尼西亚、国、兰、国和德国的移民,及澳洲丛林中的居民和霍屯督人部落,还有从北方来的班图人部落,这使开普敦这座城市成为一块文化瑰宝。The city is a rare cultural gem, resulting from the amalgamation of Idonesian, French, Dutch, British and German settlers, the local Bushman and Hottentot tribes and the Bantu tribes from the north.

早在两百年前起,就有探险队深入刚果河流域的森林,寻找着传说中神秘的刚果恐龙——在当地班图语里,刚果恐龙意为“截河断流的怪物”。For more than 200 years, expeditions have set off into the jungles of the Congo River basin in search of the mythical Mobele-Mbembe — the "one who stops the flow of rivers, " in a local Bantu dialect.