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语言总是在不断地发展着。Languages are always developing.

开发开放源码的派生物Developing derivatives of open source

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上海是一个飞速发展的城市。Shanghai is a rapidly developing city.

运动正在蓬勃开展。The movement is developing vigorously.

我在企划一档儿童电视节目。I'm developing a kid's television show.

我已经对她一见倾心。I was already developing a crush on her.

项目开发与客户资源维护。Project developing and customer resourcing.

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开发一个表单,提交服务请求。Developing a form to submit service requests.

沭阳正以惊人的速度发展着。Shuyang is developing at a breathtaking pace.

主任医生说,爱玛长的很好。The doctor said Emma is developing very well.

生殖聚集形成配子。Gonads are aggregations of developing gametes.

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建设者们正在建设城市的那部分。The builders are developing that part of city.

您将亲手来开发这些解决方案。You will be developing hand-crafted solutions.

如今在中国中层阶级正在发展。A middle class is only now developing in China.

他正在开发一种阻塞这个通道的药物。He is developing a drug to disable the channel.

生命总是在不断地衍化成不同的形态。Life is always developing into different forms.

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巨细胞病毒性视网膜炎在发展中国家很常见。CMV retinitis is common in developing countries.

经济振兴,教育为本。Education is the key link in developing economy.

大多数人处境贫寒并且生活在发展中国家。Most are poor, and live in developing countries.