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人是否还有来生呢?Is there an afterlife?

也许有人会问作者,你相信来世吗?You may wonder if I believe in afterlife.

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为此,信也好,不信也好,我宁愿有来世。So believe it or not, I’d rather there were afterlife.

这句话不对吧烧纸钱怎么是给他们下辈子用呢?The paper money is for the deceased to use in the afterlife.

你知道,埃及人非常关心,人的来世?You know, the Egyptians were very concerned about afterlife?

甚至心爱的人碰到死后无脸的灵魂,又是如何情形?Or even that their loved one might meet the afterlife faceless?

神说来世的因缘刻在三生石之上。God said that the cause afterlife Sansheng carved in stone on top.

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这个可怜的采石工没有坟墓,也不能奢望来世。The poor quarryman would have no tomb and no hope of an afterlife.

这是否是她的侍卫在她去世之后将武器留下来,想以此方式要继续保护她?Did her bodyguards leave the weapons to protect her in the afterlife?

我们怎么能把他们的体验当作,对来生的真实报告呢How can we take their experiences as veridical reports of the afterlife?

我宁愿用来世的一次擦肩而过来换得今生的500次回眸。I'd rather use the afterlife one slip away to change 500 times in style.

他的朋友和野人为他的去世烧香和焚烧纸钱。His friends and family burnt incense and Chinese money for the afterlife.

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比如说你们中的有些人相信,有来世存在。So some of you may believe in, for example, the existence of an afterlife.

黄金对死后很重要,因为它表现了不朽的形相。Gold was important to the afterlife as it represents aspects of immortality.

我们需要记住,古埃及的重生只限于死后的世界。Rather we need to remember that their rebirth was confined to the afterlife.

多数学者把它等同于沃尔特·本雅明的“以后生存”。Many scholars regarded it as the counterpart of Walter Benjamins "afterlife".

换句话说,死后重生的研究,至少到现在还是一片空白的领域。Afterlife studies, to coin a phrase, has been an empty field, at least until now.

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我无宗教信仰,不管是否有来世。我只珍惜今世!I have no religion , in despite of afterlife i'm just want to treasure this life!

刘胡兰是个女好汉,她生的伟大,死的光彩。Liu Hulan is a charlatan, and she lived a great life and died a august afterlife.

他们将吕母送到医院,来世勤趁乱跑掉。They will lu mother to the hospital, the afterlife frequently while running away.