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这是郁郁葱葱的以耀目和权力。It's lush with panache and power.

扒窃是一门需要沉着、耐心与范儿的艺术A Pickpocket Needs Poise, Patience And Panache

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讲述时要有风格、自信和威风。Deliver them with style, confidence and panache.

英国广播公司交响乐团演奏起来挥洒自如。The BBC Symphony Orchestra played with great panache.

和他的前任唐纳德-拉姆斯菲尔德不同,在公众前的盖茨不显得咄咄逼人或威风八面。Gates does not have the bluster or panache of his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld.

如果有人想与这种华丽气派的风格一争高下,那我劝他还是省省吧。How can one possibly compete with such style and panache. It’s better not to try.

需要一个很大的胜利留在争论,中国取得了他们的目标与习惯耀目。Needing a big win to stay in contention, China achieved their target with customary panache.

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在竞争激烈的市场上,福特的竞争对手们似乎生产出更华丽更能引领潮流的新款汽车。And some of Ford's rivals have seemed to have more panache and trendiness in a crowded market.

它是在一个纸箱包装的颜色唤起相同的关键注意到能源,风格,与派头。It is packaged in a carton of colors evoking those same key notes of energy, style, and panache.

这个法国时尚品牌是那些真正懂得风格和炫耀的人的最爱。This French fashion house is a favorite amongst those who know the meaning of style and panache.

“他干劲十足,神气活现,”凯利赫回忆道,当时他为佩克创建的“前线新闻”公司工作。"He had lots of drive and panache ", recalls Kelliher, who worked for Frontline News, a company founded by Peck.

现在有了这个设备,来点小小的导火索,加上恰到好处的幽默感,你就能神气十足得跟那群人说“再见”了。Now with the right equipment, a little righteous anger, and some well-timed wit, you can say "ADIOS" with panache.

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尽管该广告片涉及的是一种蔓延至亚洲以外的疾病,而且往往引起恐慌,但是该片的目的是在愉快而非惊恐的气氛中让孩子们了解禽流感的危险。While the PSA deals with a disease that has spread beyond Asia and often incites fear, it aims to do so with panache rather than panic.

棉裙和细条纹长裤便服很适合你,配以灰、白、黑色,更能凸显你的时尚触觉。You are made for mensprint draped skirts and pinstripe pantsuits, and you wear the colors gray, white, and black with true stylish panache.

棉裙和细条纹长裤便服很适合你,配以灰、白、黑色,更能凸显你的时尚触觉。You are made for men sprint draped skirts and pinstripe pantsuits, and you wear the colors gray, white, and black with true stylish panache.

在这种价位,卫星箱的钢琴黑漆外观看起来非常好,线控器给曲调的质量增添了华丽的气息。The piano black finished satellites look stunning at this price point, and the wired controller adds even more panache to the air of quality.

但张艺谋以空前的场面演绎了这一切,他巧妙地利用“鸟巢”体育馆的设计来达到表演效果,还拥有预算方面的自由。But Zhang executed it all with unprecedented panache – cunningly using the design of the Bird's Nest stadium for his purposes – and budgetary freedom.

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毋庸置疑,他们的婚姻已成为在总统历史上最令人向往的夫妻关系,或许只有肯尼迪夫妇因时尚、高雅、自信才能略胜一筹。It has certainly blossomed into one of the most glamorous couplings in presidential history, perhaps topped for style and panache only by the Kennedys.

你又知道哪些过着威风潇洒的生活----美术家在画布上挥毫泼墨,音乐家在喧嚣的噪音中谱写曲子----的人呢?Who have you known who has lived their lives with the panache of an artist attacking his or her canvas or a musician calling forth a melody from a chaotic flurry of noises?

我们可以向曼联不吝赞美之辞,因为阿列克斯·弗格森爵士的红魔一线队贮存了足够多的优秀球员。Probably the best compliment that can be paid to Manchester United is that their reserves played with the style and panache we have come to expect of Sir Alex Ferguson's first-team.