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她的声音干脆利落,具有权威性。Her voice was crisp and authoritative.

但是有几页重要的记录是应该阅读的。But having a few pages of authoritative note do exist.

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“很好,”我用干脆的命令性的语气说道。Very well, " I said, adopting a crisp authoritative tone."

没有什么命令比“过守法的生活”更具有权威性。No command is more authoritative than "living a lawful life".

有“权威性”的版本,但只能说目前暂时是这样。There is an authoritative text—but maybe only for the moment.

在呼和浩特去哪里治疗附睾炎最权威!Treatment of epididymitis in Hohhot, the most authoritative go!

我的意思是你可以使用它,但不要把它当作权威。Except,I mean,you could use it, but not use it as authoritative.

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中的长女,布沙拉,被认为是影响力和权威性。The eldest, Bushra, is said to be influential and authoritative.

尚红,中国防治艾滋病最权威专家之一。Is still red, Chinese AIDS experts, one of the most authoritative.

NS-2是最具权威性的网络仿真软件之一。NS-2 is one of the most authoritative network simulation software.

异端者就想出要网络一套有权威性的文献这个不雅念来。Heretics took up the idea of a collection of authoritative writings.

因此,他们所依靠的是听到的那些表面上具有权威的数字。So they rely on what they hear from seemingly authoritative figures.

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提供权威的指导,用户友好,易于访问的格式。Offers authoritative guidance in a user-friendly, easy-access format.

“你看这个,先生,”我说,试着像大人那样说话。"Look here, sir, " I said, trying to sound authoritative and in control.

我倾向于在用非常权威的口气来写,这会有些误导。I tend to write in a very authoritative tone which is somewhatmisleading.

我倾向于在用非常权威的口气来写,这会有些误导。I tend to write in a very authoritative tone which is somewhat misleading.

他的声音听上去很微小,而且不象往常那样有权威性。He also sounded weaker, his voice raspier and less authoritative than usual.

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中国最专业、最权威的工业级软管供应商!China's most professional, most authoritative industrial grade hose supplier!

他们还没有消除儿童对一个权威性的父亲的需要。They have not yet relinquished the childish need for an authoritative father.

法治和自治是解纷方式的不同权威力量。Rule of law and autonomy are different authoritative power of dispute solution.