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嗯。那些是人造花。Um. Those are artificial.

不,它是人造皮。No, it's artificial leather.

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不,人造革的。No. It's artificial leather.

别,它是人造皮。No , it is artificial leather.

这是一种人为制造的双重性。That is an artificial duality.

他用人工热使它成熟。He ripens it by artificial heat.

它是人造革制的。It's made of artificial leather.

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人工养鸭塘一类的勿扰。Artificial duck ponds do not count.

她的头脑真奇怪到了不合常情的地步。She has got such an artificial mind.

人为的语言缺乏生命力。An artificial language has no vitality.

人工授精也很棘手。Artificial insemination is tricky, too.

人工智慧?我的老板?开玩笑。Artificial intelligence? My boss? Joke.

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如果有人为我泪如雨下。If has artificial me to weep copiously.

有棉夹袄和人造毛夹袄。With cotton pad and artificial wool pad.

没有花俏和添加剂,没有任何人为的东西。No fads, fillers, or anything artificial.

这床被子的填充物是人造棉。The quilt is filled with artificial cotton.

天空蓝得像是人工的。The sky is so blue that is seems artificial.

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你怎么看待人工智能?What do you think of artificial intelligence?

人造肌肉没有静摩擦。Artificial muscles exhibit no static friction.

术中出血均采用人工心肺机自血回输。An artificial heart- lung machine was employed.