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有这么一个特大号笨蛋,小心翼翼地爱护著妳,栩婷。Has such a Outsize fool , Cherishes you devotedly , Hooting.

现在,政策上的任何风吹草动都可能对地产价格产生重大影响。As a result, any policy change now has an outsize effect on prices.

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尽管市场占有额变小,苹果却获得巨大的利润。Despite its smaller share of the market, Apple earns outsize profits.

但我可以想像,一个坏脾气的同事可能会对我的情绪造成巨大的影响。But I can imagine that a grumpy co-worker would have an outsize impact on my mood.

上层之所以财富高堆,一个重要的原因就是管理层、银行家及交易商“名过其实”的薪水收入。A big reason for the huge gains at the top is the outsize pay of executives, bankers and traders.

部分是因为具超凡商业天赋的人往往具有与众不同的个性。This is partly because people with outsize commercial nous also tend to have outsize personalities.

你的基金投资范围越窄,市场下跌时造成巨大损失的风险就越高。The narrower the scope of your funds, the greater the risk of outsize losses during market downturns.

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这种房屋结构对于尺寸上的把握需要谨慎,建筑材料的尺寸可能会比我所看到的尺寸要大。The structure would be modest in size, and the materials would have an outsize effect on how it looked.

根据中共的正统说法,通胀对于中华人民共和国的成立起到了非同一般的作用。According to party orthodoxy, inflation plays an outsize role in the very existence of the People's Republic.

就像与美国一样,它也与世界其余国家也存在大规模的失衡——即巨额经常账户盈余。Like the US, it, too, has a large imbalance with the rest of the world – namely, an outsize current account surplus.

沿途的多数国家都卯足了劲准备搭乘中国这辆特大号经济铁路谋取更多的商贸机会。Most countries along the route have already hitched their wagons to China's outsize economy and are eager for more trade.

临近这些线路的大多数国家已经快马加鞭涌向中国巨大的经济市场,期望获得更多贸易往来。Most countries along the route have already hitched their wagons to China’s outsize economy and are eager for more trade.

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增税计划的支持者表示资源将一去不复返,并且政府应更多参与到这项巨大财富的使用中来。Supporters of the tax argue that the resources are not coming back and that Australia should participate more fully in the outsize profits.

就像之前的网络和房地产泡沫一样,当前的IPO狂热症正在因巨大的预期和由来已久的贪婪而不断膨胀。Like the dotcom and property bubbles before it, the nascent IPO mania is being inflated by outsize expectations and good old-fashioned greed.

这个新建筑说明了当建筑师在没有较大预算的时候也能有创造力当然也需要一个鼎力支持的客户。The new building illustrates what can happen when architects, even without an outsize budget, have a creative agenda and a supportive client.

在我母亲性格形成期,令人惊讶的事总是司空见惯,不用惊讶,因为他就是这样一个外向的人。Jaw-dropping events were apparently commonplace in my mother's formative years -- no surprise, since she was such an outsize character herself.

从全球的角度看,世界期望像中国这样拥有巨大顺差的国家减少过多的经常项目顺差理所当然。FROM a global perspective, the world has every right to expect large surplus savers, such as China, to reduce outsize current account surpluses.

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今天,中国体育竞技上的突破让我们眼花缭乱。此外,中国还将在艺术、商业、科学和教育领域烙下深刻的印记。Today, it's the athletic surge that dazzles us, but China will leave a similar outsize footprint in the arts, in business, in science, in education.

而打乱图书产业传统盈利模式的数字出版革命更是对文学作家的事业产生了巨大的影响。But the digital revolution that is disrupting the economic model of the book industry is having an outsize impact on the careers of literary writers.

这一浮岛群在规模上立志要超越其他的河上浮岛,比如上文的穆尔岛以及德国罗斯托克的漂浮花园。The islands are meant to rival and outsize those in the rivers of other cities, such as the Murinsel, featured here, and the Floating Garden in Rostock, Germany.