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附睾炎是怎么引起的?Is epididymis phlogistic how to cause?

光化性唇炎以下唇多见。Phlogistic the following lip sees actinic sex lip more.

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精囊炎治疗存在哪些误区?Seminal vesicle phlogistic treatment which error there?

常常伴有舌炎或口角炎。Often accompany have glossitis or quarrel is phlogistic.

最初加入炎黄数据的时候,你们的目标是什么呢?When joining phlogistic yellow data at first, what is your target?

临床上狭义的盆腔炎指的是输卵管炎。Clinically narrow sense of pelvic infection refers to tubal phlogistic.

月经推迟两天,。能不能吃妇炎康片?Menstruation defers two days, . Can you eat Fu phlogistic health piece?

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炎黄数据在奥运年有什么新的目标或计划吗?Is phlogistic yellow data in Olympic Games year target or plan are there?

通过血源感染引起牙髓炎十分少见。Through hematic source infection causes dental pulp phlogistic very scarce.

什么是神经根炎?医学术语是什么?主要的症状是什么?。What is nerve root phlogistic ? What is medical term? What is main symptom?

那位朋友认识资深的眼科医生啊!我眼睛虹膜炎又复发了。That friend knows elder oculist! My eye iris is phlogistic had a relapse again.

颈椎炎除了不能干重活外,还应注意哪些?Cervical vertebra is phlogistic besides not able hard work, what should still notice?

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食道癌和食道炎的症状有什么区别?What distinction does the symptom with esophagus cancer and phlogistic esophagus have?

什么是右肋软骨炎。?如何治疗,?要治疗多久。?。What is cartilage of west costal region phlogistic. ? How to treat, ? Should treat how long. ?

两年突飞猛进的发展,为炎黄网络创造了新的起点。The development of two years of advance rapidly, created new start for phlogistic yellow network.

慢性附件炎如果有久治不愈的输卵管积水或是卵巢的囊肿,也要手术治疗。Chronic accessory phlogistic if there are cured the hydrosalpinx or ovarian cyst, also want to surgery.

多磺酸粘多糖MPS的抗炎作用是基于其能干扰不同的炎症通路。The anti-inflammatory action of MPS is based on its capacity to interfere with several phlogistic pathways.

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女生性生活后会得妇科病吗?用不用妇炎洁洗?Be met is department of gynaecology illy after schoolgirl sexual life? With need not is Fu phlogistic clean washed?

吃了妇科病的妇炎康的药女性月经会推迟吗?Is the Fu that had disease of department of gynaecology phlogistic health can be medical woman menstruation deferred?

若为输卵管炎,则在子宫一侧或两侧触到增粗的输卵管,呈索条状,并有轻度压痛。If, while in the womb and tubal phlogistic one or both touch an enlarged fallopian tube, a cable strip, and a mild tenderness.