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她的声音柔和,带有气息。Her voice was soft and breathy.

反之你也可以发出极大的呼气声。Or you can have a very breathy voice.

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最初,这些痛苦就像是一个吻,热切、激烈和被渴望的。At first, the Pains are like a kiss, hot and breathy and welcome.

这位女演员带呼吸声的嗓音让许多人感到有吸引力。The actress has a breathy voice that many people find attractive.

特有的柔细多孔球体和丝质蛋白成份令使用过程舒适透气。The special fine porous ball silk protein will make the application more comfortable and breathy.

同名单曲也是如此,其中,带着呼吸声的长笛给这首单曲脉动的旋律中加入了一种奇异的深奥感。The same goes for the title track, where a breathy flute adds exotic depth to the track's loping rhythm.

不同发声类型的开商值在分布范围上存在交叠,反映出从紧喉嗓音到气嗓音之间是一个发声连续统。The OQ data of different phonation types overlaps, which shows it is a continuum from creaky voice to breathy voice.

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这就使得声音夹杂着强烈的呼吸声,例如有很多著名的意大利音乐家就是这种音质。This makes the voice breathy and horse, and there are a lot of very famous Italians singers for instance that have this horse quality.

人声部分包含多层次的带着鼻息的吟咏,还有声音的重叠,它听起来仿佛是爱人们意识尽失达到高潮时的声音。The vocals include layers of breathy whispering, voices overlapping like the voices of lovers who have reached the point when all thought is gone.

在减肥期间我感觉很虚弱,每次上楼梯更感吃力,呼吸急促,我的心跳很快而且在晚上感觉很疲倦。During the treatment I was pretty weak, each time I had to go up stairs my breathy got short, my heart was running and I felt very tired in the evenings.

但是随着一声咳嗽,那条大猎犬的呼吸声停了下来,然后响起嘶哑的,喘息的低语,就像一只能说话的狗发出的声音。But there was a cough, and the breathing of the huge hound stopped, and then a breathy whisper came, hoarse, and sounding just as a dog would sound if dogs could talk.