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这些数据的确很让人泄气These numbers are very discouraging.

我觉得既令人鼓舞又令人沮丧。I found it both encouraging and discouraging.

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真是叫人丧气,很挫败啊This is really depressing. It's discouraging.

这是最让人丧气和憋气的地方。That will be most exasperating and discouraging.

在劝阻客户交叉销售和貌相。Discouraging customer cross-selling and profiling.

成天受嘲讽是很令人泄气的。It's very discouraging to be sneered at all the time.

你曾听过这么一系列悲惨的事件吗?Did you ever hear of such a discouraging series of events?

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他的否定只是让我更加想投资给伯尼。His discouraging response only made me want Bernie all the more.

也可以多收水费或化肥费以鼓励减少浪费。They can charge more for water or fertilizer, discouraging waste.

如今在就业市场上找份工作实非易事,这叫人灰心丧气。Looking for a job in this market is awfully difficult and discouraging.

因此,在令人沮丧的考试面前,哈佛很难摆脱僵化的学术教条。By discouraging exams, then, Harvard is hardly forsaking academic rigor.

栗树改良的研究工作曾令人失望又曾使人鼓舞。Research for improvement of chestnut has been discouraging and encouraging.

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停止让人气馁的循环反复试验种植,为您节省时间和金钱!End the discouraging cycle of trial-and-error planting. Saves you money and time!

很多国家的政府税收政策不鼓励个人拥有汽车。Govermental tax policies in many countries are discouraging automobile ownership.

我们的决心是一种预言,它将所有的不如意和悲观泡在脑后。One's resolution is one's prophecy , leave all your discouraging and pessimism behind.

在你未来的“十年命运”中,你面临的第四个陷阱是灰心丧气和迟延不前。The fourth pitfall you will face during your Decade of Destiny is discouraging delays.

这就是为什么药品政策的首要任务是挫败并治疗上瘾。That is why discouraging and treating addiction should be the priority for drug policy.

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尽管菲比耐心十足——我和莎莉也如此——此行中令人泄气的时刻还是不少。Patient as Phoebe was—as we all were—there were plenty of discouraging moments along the way.

外科治疗包括小关节融合的效果不令人满意。The results of surgical therapies including arthrodesis for facet arthropathy are discouraging.

可惜如今,他们更可能是些忙于阻碍和破坏生产的,劲头十足的“改革者”。They are more likely today to be energetic reformers busily discouraging and disrupting production.