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这机器的齿轮装置很特别.The gearing of this machine is unusual.

财务杠杆可能是另一原因。Financial gearing may be another reason.

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监狱的警卫们被动员起来应对暴乱。The prison guards are gearing up for the riot.

这一切让巴库走到了聚光灯下。This has left Baku gearing up for the limelight.

整个城市都准备着迎接温布尔登网球公开赛。This whole town is gearing up for Wimbledon tennis.

分析了该失配啮合传动的基本原理。The basic principle of the worm gearing is analysed.

特写的坦克建设,传动装置和伺服。Closeups of the tank construction, gearing and servos.

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分析了该失配啮合传动的基本原理。The basic principle of the worm gearing has beenanalysed.

负债率为净债项与股权加净债项之比较。Gearing ratio represents net debt over equity plus net debt.

奥运会资格,科比和美国队都开足了马力。Kobe and Team USA are gearing up for the qualifying tourney.

该团队目前正在ITT公司为导航有效载荷的PDR进行改进。The team is now gearing up for a navigation payload PDR at ITT.

龙曲柄和低负债的大量的杠杆和速度缓慢。Long cranks and Low gearing for lots of leverage and slow speed.

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同时,第8号议案的强力支持者正在准备着他们的上诉。Meanwhile, the pro-Prop. 8 forces are gearing up for their appeal.

直廊环面蜗轮副是一种很好的传动副。Worm gearing with straight profile hour-glass worm is a prominent drive.

环保组织正在为抵制燃煤电厂而在各州奔走。Environmental groups are gearing up to challenge coal plants state by state.

我从来没见过哪个国家在准备战事时还会陷入经济衰退。I have not yet seen an economy in recession when you are gearing up for war.

夏风吹起来的时候,雷电季节就来临了。With the summer wind starting to blow in, the lightning season is gearing up.

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使得基金行业重组时机成熟的是它的经营杠杆。What is making the industry ripe for restructuring is its operational gearing.

包括美国、英国和委内瑞拉等在内的许多国家都在准备派遣援助任务。A number of nations, including the US, UK and Venezuela, are gearing up to send aid.

蜗杆压缩机是蜗杆传动在非动力传动中得一种绝妙应用。Worm compressor is an ingenious application of worm gearing in non-power transmissions.