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钝齿轮不能啮合。The cogwheels are not engaging.

多一些微笑并且做到行为优雅和风度迷人。Smile a lot and be personable and engaging.

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这些游戏也是非常具有教育性,很有魅力。They are also very educational and engaging.

那是一种极易骗人的迷人的态度。It's an engaging manner that easily deceives.

好了我们在缠斗,我下什么命令呢Now we're engaging each other, what do I say?

出于这个原因,文字显得温暖而迷人。For this reason, the text is warm and engaging.

吃肉,使用麻醉品,赌博和非法性行为。Engaging in Gambling and Illicit Sexual activity.

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这狗是一个从事与水禽专家。This engaging dog is a specialist with waterfowl.

他带着一副殷勤的、动人的笑容,走向前来。He came forward with such a bland , engaging smile.

气泡因它的起泡而迷人。Bubbles are engaging because of their effervescence.

为卫星导航系统制作可爱又迷人的声音。B. To create likable and engaging voices for satnavs.

他认为我很迷人,这真令我感动。I was touched to find that he regards me as engaging.

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先生Komor的写作风格是明确和迷人。Mr. Komor's writing style is both clear and engaging.

能赏光同我跳波罗耐斯舞吗?May I have the pleasure of engaging you for the dance?

此类引人入胜的小故事在拉莫先生的书中比比皆是。Mr Ramo's book is full of engaging vignettes like this.

蓝默先生的新书博引旁徵这番引人入胜的奇闻逸事。Mr Ramo’s book is full of engaging vignettes like this.

最好的作战是不战而屈人兵。The superior fighter has won before engaging in battle.

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他觉得这位青年军官那种天真烂漫的忠心耿耿非常可爱。He finds the naivete of the young officer very engaging.

他觉得这位青年军官那种天真烂漫的忠心耿耿非?砂?。He finds the naivete of the young officer very engaging.

我做着比以前更多的插入和摩擦动作。I'm engaging in more thrusting and friction than before.