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高尚的风格。An elevated prose style.

他被晋封为贵族。He's been elevated to the peerage.

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她跃上了另一根上升的树根。She leaps to another elevated root.

血清胆红素是高的。Serum bilirubin levels are elevated.

浮标处于海浪波峰时的示意图Upper float elevated on crest of wave

这是又一个应用高架高速公路的未来城市设想!Again with the elevated express highways!

可能高架公路是个坏的主意。Maybe the elevated highway was a bad idea.

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赫维斯腾大夫说他的脉博加快了。Doctor Hviesten says his pulse is elevated.

甲胎蛋白升高的其他原因还有什么?What are other reasons for an elevated AFP?

高架公路——现代性的象征?The Elevated Highway – a Symbol of Modernity?

我已经将简单的打字排版错误提升为一种艺术形式。I have elevated the simple typo to an art form.

伽弗洛什把那张纸高举在头顶上。Gavroche held the paper elevated above his head.

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谈恋爱的人的多巴胺的水平会升高。People in love have elevated levels of dopamine.

长右狗腿上斜四杆洞,果岭升起左。Upslope long Par 4, dogleg right, elevated green.

高架路应该有3英尺高的栏杆。Elevated paths should have 3-foot high guardrails.

铁和铁蛋白水平可能会略有升高。Iron and ferritin levels may be slightly elevated.

我敢说他们是住在高架上的芝加哥人Well, they're Elevated people in Chicago I'm sure.

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起重机将建筑用材吊到楼上。The crane elevated the timbering upto the upstairs.

应激激素升高可导致炎症。Elevated stress hormones contribute to inflammation.

桥,高架公路,隧道和地铁。For bridges, elevated highways, tunnels and subways.