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这篇文章写得太呆板。This article is rather hackneyed.

使…变陈腐因不加区别的使用而使之变得平庸,陈腐。To make banal or hackneyed with indiscriminate use.

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用一句陈腐的话说,他在这里可谓“得其所哉”。To use the hackneyed phrase, here he found himself.

模糊词语是人类语言中常见的现象。Vagueness is the hackneyed phenomenon in human languages.

我们或许会批评它,因为它乏味,或者因为它陈腐。Or maybe we will criticize it for being boring or hackneyed.

他有时会失口说出很刺耳的双关语和极陈腐的话来。He sometimes slips into rather dreadful puns and hackneyed language.

“那是一个风雨交加的黑暗的夜晚”,这是常见的故事的开头。It was a dark and stormy night" is a hackneyed beginning for a story. save".

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“当然我爱你,真心真意地爱你。”他顺口说了这句老掉牙的套话。Of course I love you. With my all heart. " The hackneyed phrase came unintended to his lips."

即使唱最简单、最通俗的意大利街头民歌,他都能紧紧抓住听众,像只和气的大熊一样。In even the simplest and most hackneyed Italian street song, he grips the audience like a benign bear.

权力导致腐败,绝对权力导致绝对腐败。这虽是老生常谈,但却是真理。Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.

出家人要流露出一种超然从容、豁达离俗的气质,才不愧为大丈夫相。A monastic should be detached, easy, open-minded and not hackneyed in temperament, and thus proved to be a true man.

末级长叶片的水蚀是汽轮机正常运行过程中的常见现象。Erosion of the last stage long blade for steam turbine is a hackneyed phenomenon during running process up to snuff.

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但当我们去聆听哲学时,听到的总是一些陈词滥调或不知所云而毫无智慧的感觉。But when many people listen to philosophy, they often hear some hackneyed and stereotyped expressions and feel puzzled.

她无疑会作为一个更好的指导者,帮助我们探讨那些已不合时宜的“龙象对阵”问题的陈词滥调。She will certainly serve as a better guide to exploring those issues that don’t easily fit into the already hackneyed “Dragon vs. Elephant” cliché.

张如怡即在这种独特“感受”的经验基础之上,抵抗着来自民间的陈辞滥调,试图呈现她“所不能了解的事”。Zhang Ruyi is resisting the hackneyed remarks from the people and trying to show "the things she cannot understand" based on that this unique experience of "feeling".

在大众文化中缺乏亚裔身份的参考点,已经给男人和女人、儿童和成年人带来了无休止的烦人遭遇。An absence of reference points for Asian identity in popular culture has helped create a perpetual stream of hackneyed encounters, for men and women, children and adults.

正当我可能通过长期研究发现不象灵魂、人心二词那么陈腐的第三个术语时,忽然,命运或福星给我送来一只毛光如丝的茶色长毛猫。I might by long research have discovered some third term a little less hackneyed than these two, when fate, or some fostering star, sent me a tawny silky, long-haired cat.

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他还特别批评了政府领导人们热衷于使用无意义词语和陈腐高调来伪饰政策或推脱责任的行为。In particular he criticizes political leaders for being sucked into using meaningless phrases and hackneyed mantras to disguise policies or protect themselves from accountability.

他还特别批评了政府领导人们热衷于使用无意义词语和陈腐高调来伪饰政策或推脱责任的行为。In particular he criticizes political leaders for being sucked into using meaningless phrases and hackneyed mantras to disguise policies or protect themselves from accountability.

它要求刑事法官谨慎用刑,依法裁量,决不轻易地使用刑罚,更不能恣意用刑和滥施刑罚。It requires that the criminal judge is cautious put to torture, cutting amounts according to law, use the penalty , can not put to torture wilfully and hackneyed Shi penalty by no means effortlessly.